Peace concert in Ukraine

by time news – Extraordinary artists and locations for an ‘off-bill’ with a strong symbolic value in the already singular program of Domus Artium, the prestigious circuit of international concerts in wonderful and unusual places which started on 27 January last. A solidarity and fundraising appointment will take place next Wednesday in the Sala della Crociera of the Ministry of Culture – with its seventeenth-century shelving, dating back to the period in which they were the headquarters of the Biblioteca Major, the study library of the Roman College founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola modeled on the University of Paris – and will see Russian and Ukrainian musicians together.

The Concert for Peace in Ukraine, open free to the public, will be followed by a convivial meeting reserved for those who subscribe to a donation. The proceeds will go to Save the Children, the international organization that has been fighting for over 100 years to save girls and boys at risk and guarantee them a future, present in Ukraine since 2014 and engaged in emergency response after the worsening of the conflict in Ukraine, to support affected children and their families.

On stage Nina Kotova, Maxim Vengerov and Vadym Kholodenko. And there could not have been a more significant and iconic choice for this unique concert, considering the presence of Vengerov, a true champion of the violin, the powerful stage presence of Kotova on the cello, and the depth of sound and exceptional expressive refinement of Kholodenko on the piano. The concert opens on the sweet notes of Vocalise, an immortal melody written by Rachmaninov and known as one of the most poignant music of the last century. This is followed by Franck’s Sonata in A major for violin and piano, which in the context of chamber music is often considered a masterpiece for its great expressiveness, sense of measure, lyrical intensity and formal structure. Lastly, the Trio for violin, cello and piano no. 2 Op 67 by Shostakovich, a work with intensely dramatic tones, and in which however the lyrical expressiveness is mixed with almost grotesque episodes.

“It will be a moment of music with internationally renowned artists to unite us and gather around the populations affected by the ongoing conflict – explains Barrett Wissman, executive director of Domus Artium – music unites and ideally helps to overcome barriers and oppositions. For this reason we have decided to create a concert with which we want to raise funds for the support of Ukrainian children”. “On behalf of Save the Children, I would like to thank Barrett Wissman, for organizing and devising the initiative, and the many artists who joined and made this event so special, as well as the Ministry of Culture for choosing to host this evening – underlines Claudio Tesauro, President of Save the Children Italy – initiatives like this once again underline how music is the universal language for a message of peace, with which to ask, without stopping, for the cessation of hostilities. in Ukraine and from the other meaningless wars that bloodied their childhood all over the world”.

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