Pello Bilbao will not leave today suffering from a respiratory infection

by time news

Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 00:31

A priori it was an arrival where he could be seen. But Pello Bilbao had enough yesterday to save the furniture. The Biscayan had a bad night due to a respiratory infection and, after reaching the finish line, he confirmed on his Twitter account that he will not start today. Neil Stephens, director of Barhain, had explained during the stage that he “is annoyed, with some phlegm.”

Fortunately, the control of the teams in the final kilometers prevented the peloton from breaking up and in this way, the rider from Muxika finished in 69th place, with the same time as the rest. The effort was of little use. Given the poor evolution of the infection, he finally decided to retire due to the evidence that he was not going to be able to face the competition in adequate physical condition.

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