Pension Fund for Wellbeing, Afores, miners of Pasta de Conchos and El Pinabete, Arturo Zaldívar, Norma Piña, Carlos Antonio Alpízar, Enrique Peña Nieto, Roberto Madrazo, Carlos Loret de Mola, Pedro Ferriz, Jorge Glas and more

by times news cr

2024-04-20 09:11:21

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) headed the morning conference today Thursday April 18, 2024 from the National Palace.

To begin his conference, AMLO once again defended the pension reform and the creation of the Pension Fund for Welfare, He said they have the objective of “repairing the damage done by neoliberal governments.”

Federal government authorities reported on the rescue of the miners trapped in the mines’The Pinabete’ y Conchos Pasta.

The president said that the process initiated in the SCJN against the former minister Arturo Zaldivar ―currently a member of Claudia Sheinbaum’s campaign team― is an “eminently political” issue.

On the same topic, he confirmed that Carlos Antonio Alpízarformer official of Arturo Zaldívar in the SCJN included in the complaint against the former minister, will remain in charge of the Democratic Development Unit in the Undersecretary of Democratic Development, Social Participation and Religious Affairs of the Segob.

He confirmed that he spoke with Enrique Pena Nieto until after being elected president of Mexico on two or three occasions.

López Obrador once again highlighted the accusation he made Pedro Ferriz against Carlos Loret de Mola by ensuring that Roberto Madrazo pays the journalist from the Latinus portal.

Finally, the president was informed of a letter that Jorge Glas sent himformer vice president of Ecuador, after his arrest and pledged to continue supporting him.

The most read about Mexico

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Rescue of miners in Pasta de Conchos and El Pinabete.  AMLO Presidential Conference” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” title=”Rescue of miners in Pasta de Conchos and El Pinabete. President AMLO Conference”>

Morning: AMLO did not know about the letter that Jorge Glas, former vice president of Ecuador, sent him

AMLO was informed of a carta that he sent you Jorge Glasformer vice president of Ecuador, after his arrest.

In the letter, Jorge Glas details that “He is in the worst prison in Ecuador” y “on hunger strike”. This letter was also sent to Gustavo Pedro already Lula Da Silva.

“No, it caught my attention. Let’s see if Alicia Bárcena didn’t receive it, but not my office,” López Obrador responds.

Morning: AMLO asks to play video of Pedro Ferriz ensuring that Roberto Madrazo pays Carlos Loret de Mola

AMLO once again highlights the accusation he made Pedro Ferriz contra Carlos Loret de Mola by ensuring that Roberto Madrazo He pays the journalist from the Latinus portal.

The president asks to display the video of the indictment of Pedro Ferriz, which for AMLO is further proof of why Latinus has attacked his government so much.

“Imagine how extraordinary it was that Pedro Ferriz now fights with Loret where he says: ‘we already know that Madrazo supports you.’ The testimony is very good. “I’m not saying it, Pedro Ferriz says it.”


Morning: AMLO says that attacks in Mexico due to elections “is a field day” compared to the United States

AMLO accuses that the dirty war and attacks for the elections in MexicoIt’s like a picnic” compared to what happens in USA.

He points out that in the United States there are even trials against candidates, so here “it is pure diplomacy.”

“Look at what is happening in the United States, they are getting along strongly there. Here pure diplomacy, there it is very strong, very hard. There are television stations that are in favor of one party and another, they say everything. Here in like a field day compared to what happens there. “We are talking about trials of the candidates”


Morning: AMLO says that his approval is due to the support of the middle classes

AMLO points out that its level of approval is due to support of the middle classes.

He clarifies that his criticisms have been directed at “aspirational sectors” of the middle classes, but not all.

“I take advantage because yesterday someone said that I spoke badly about the middle class, no! Yes, we have that approval, it is because of the support of the middle class. “There are certain sectors that are aspirational, nothing more.”


Morning: AMLO confirms that he spoke with Enrique Peña Nieto until after the 2018 elections; reveals that he invited him to eat on three occasions

AMLO confirms that he spoke with Enrique Pena Nieto until after being elected president of Mexico on two or three occasions.

Details that He went to the National Palace on two occasions and, subsequently, he invited Peña Nieto to his house for lunch on three occasions. Just as he spoke with him on the phone three times to agree on the transition and discuss the T-MEC.

“I didn’t speak to him until after the election, since I was president-elect. We spoke on two or three occasions. I personally was here twice and then I invited him to the house and we ate three times. On the phone, yes, like two or three times, because we were looking at the Treaty and the transition.”


Morning: AMLO confirms that Carlos Antonio Alpízar will continue in his position in Segob despite a complaint against him

AMLO confirms that Carlos Antonio Alpízarformer official of Arturo Zaldívar in the SCJN included in the complaint against the former minister, will remain in charge of the Democratic Development Unit in the Undersecretary of Democratic Development, Social Participation and Religious Affairs of the Segob.

López Obrador maintains that if they ask that she not continue in Segob, then “Mrs. Piña would have to retire while the investigation is ongoing, because she is involved.”

“Yes (he will remain in office at Segob) even though the investigation is ongoing”


Tomorrow: AMLO rejects impeachment against Norma Piña, president of the SCJN, by Arturo Zaldívar and Morena

AMLO rejects the promotion of a political trial against Norma Piñapresident of the SCJN, on behalf of Arturo Zaldivar and the Morena party.

He attributes that This action is due to the electionsbut points out that it leads to nothing, since currently “the Judiciary has been taken over.”

However, he reiterates his support for Arturo Zaldívar for the complaint filed against him before the SCJN.

“That’s another thing, it doesn’t seem to me, it’s a matter for lawyers. That’s because of the season, that doesn’t lead to anything. “We are talking about the Judiciary being taken over.”


Morning: AMLO assures that the process against Arturo Zaldívar is an “eminently political” matter

AMLO refers that the process initiated in the SCJN against the former minister Arturo Zaldivar ―currently a member of Claudia Sheinbaum’s campaign team― It is an “eminently political” issue.

He points out that the complaint against Zaldívar responds to current electoral process.

“It is an eminently political issue due to the electoral circumstances. And it is also very clear that there are two positions, there are two different national projects”


Morning: Federal Civil Protection confirms that on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 4 bodies of miners from El Pinabete were delivered

Laura Velazquezhead of federal Civil Protection, reports on the rescue of four bodies trapped miners a mine’The Pinabete’.

The bodies of the rescued miners are:

  • December 27, 2023: The first two bodies of Jorge Luis Martinez Valdez and Jaime Montelongo Perez were found
  • December 29, 2023: location of the third miner: Hugo Tijerina Amaya
  • January 16, 2024: José Rogelio Moreno Morales

Laura Velázquez confirms that yesterday, April 17, 2024 The four bodies of the miners were delivered to their families.

Tomorrow: Segob and CFE present a report on actions for miners trapped in Pasta de Conchos and El Pinabete

Luisa María Alcaldehead of Segob, reports on the progress in the actions carried out in the case of the miners trapped in Conchos Pasta.

Among the actions for the miners trapped in Pasta de Conchos are:

    • 100% compensation delivery
    • 100% urban improvement
    • progress in housing – Conavi at 97%
    • miners’ memorial 100% completed
    • rescue by the CFE

For its part, Manuel Bartletthead of the CFE, points out that the authorities in charge “are close” to achieving the rescue of the miners in Pasta de Conchos.

With regards to the miners of El Pinabetehighlights that at the moment four of them have been rescued and work continues to locate the six missing ones. In addition, there has not been any type of obstacle in terms of the resources allocated for this purpose.

Morning: AMLO defends initiative to create the Pension Fund for Wellbeing due to accusations about Afores

AMLO defends once again pension reform and the creation of Pension Fund for Welfare, He said they have the objective of “repairing the damage done by neoliberal governments.”

The president criticizes that his adversaries accuse that the federal government and Morena seek “expropriate the Afores, we want to steal the Afores”.

He points out that the Afores administer all these pensions and points out that there are an amount of resources not claimed by workers that by law they must deliver to social security, but maintains that “they do not do so and keep those remainders,” an amount of “billions of pesos.”

López Obrador clarifies that with the reform the right of the worker will be guaranteed that you can make the refund request and that the resources are delivered to you.

2024-04-20 09:11:21

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