Pensions, what is the 41 share that Salvini wants

by time news

After Quota 100, Salvini aims at Quota 41. Not even the time to say goodbye to the measure that provided for early retirement at 62 with 38 of contributions paid, that the leader of the League already has a new idea in mind to reform the Italian pension. With the draft of the Recovery and Resilience Plan presented to the Council of Ministers, the official status had arrived: Quota 100 will not be renewed. And it matters little if that passage has been canceled in the new version of the PNRR. Introduced by the yellow-green government, supported by the League that had wanted it so much, canceled by the Draghi government, always supported by Salvini’s party. In short: the experiment was to last three years and three years it lasted. But the secretary of the Carroccio does not give up and returns to the attack, aware that the pension system needs a reform, otherwise in 2022 we will return to Fornero, a hypothesis that also terrifies the unions.

It will absolutely not be like that“, the League secretary explained to”After a year of Covid, of death, suffering and fear, with 500 thousand jobs already lost and thousands of companies closed, with at least two million women and men risking their jobs, we certainly cannot raise the age to retire“, Salvini announced.

Rather, the leader of the League proposed an alternative: “If anything, Italy needs the opposite, that is to go towards Quota 41, to guarantee that generational change and those opportunities for the future of young people that would otherwise be denied“. The calculation is simple: all those who have paid 41 years of contributions can retire, regardless of age. The issue of pensions is there and it is important, the Minister of Labor, the dem Andrea Orlando, has this very clear. Meanwhile, the unions are pressing: “We asked for a table on pension reform – explains the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini – the system needs to be reworked“.

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