People with periodontitis have a 50% greater chance of suffering a cardiovascular accident

by time news

2023-12-11 18:50:00

It is known that hypertension, diabetes, obesity or a sedentary lifestyle are some of the best-known risk factors for suffering a cardiovascular accident, however, a large part of the population is unaware of the close relationship that exists between gum diseases and the risk of suffering from a heart-related pathology.

To be more specific, experts warn that people with periodontitis or gum disease have a 50% greater chance of suffering a cardiovascular accident. The reason is that the gums are continually subjected to aggression from the bacteria found in dental plaque.

“If these periodontal bacteria are not eliminated daily, they can enter the bloodstream and adhere to platelets, producing clots and, in the most severe cases, causing a heart attack,” explains the Donte Group.

A risk that increases with age

To this we should add that gum disease is one of the most common dental pathologies in people over 60 years of age. “Periontitis represents one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults and plays a relevant role as a triggering factor for heart diseases,” explains Clara Esteban, medical director of Donte Group.

“It is extremely important to address the treatment of periodontitis early, especially considering that 90% of the population over 60 years of age has this condition, which significantly increases the risk of suffering coronary infarctions,” he adds.

Lack of oral hygiene

According to specialists, the main cause of the appearance of these periodontal diseases is the lack of oral hygiene, given that the gums are especially sensitive and are constantly exposed to external factors. “That is why maintaining proper hygiene becomes essential, as well as flossing at least once a day. Likewise, some signs that can warn of the disease are bad breath, red or swollen gums, or bleeding in the gums,” they explain.

However, these inflammatory processes often develop without causing acute pain and sometimes progress silently. For this reason, it is advisable to go to the specialist every six months to detect it in time before the problem gets worse.

The fundamental role of prevention

Cardiovascular diseases are already the leading cause of mortality in Spain, which is why the Donde Group insists on the importance of maintaining correct oral hygiene as a method of prevention. In their recent report Oral health and economic exclusion: an avoidable social cost, they highlight the importance of prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of oral diseases.

Additionally, this same study identifies the challenges that the most vulnerable population faces in accessing dental care, such as lack of awareness about the importance of oral health in general health and economic difficulties in accessing dental services. in the private sector.

They also advocate for proposals such as the Heart-Healthy Companies Program (PECS) of the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC), focused on promoting healthy lifestyle habits and work well-being measures to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in employees, improving both their development personal as well as their performance at work.

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