Perimeter for representatives of the Federal Revolution: they will not be able to approach Congress or Cristina Kirchner | They will have to wear electronic anklets – 2024-02-29 16:11:00

by times news cr

2024-02-29 16:11:00

Granting a request made by Cristina Kirchner’s defense, the Federal Justice banned the leaders of the far-right group Revolución Federal linked to assassination attempt get closer to both the former president and her family.

The measure ordered by the federal judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi It will also imply that none of those investigated in the case can approach less than 200 meters from Congress, the Patria Institute and the former president’s home and any of his family members.

The measure was adopted at the request of CFK’s lawyers, José Ubeira and Marcos Aldazábalafter the representatives of the Federal Revolution were seen near the office of deputy Máximo Kirchner, when the Omnibus Law project was discussed in the lower house.

The ban reaches Jonathan Ezequiel Morel, Leonardo Franco Sosa and Gastón Ezequiel Ángel Guerra. If any of them fails to comply with that provision, the magistrate clarified, they will be “under warning of revoking the release duly granted”.

To avoid risks, De Giorgi ordered that each of those investigated must wear a electronic anklet. “Deberán track your movements for the sole and exclusive purpose of verifying adequate compliance with the order issued,” the letter indicates.

For this reason he entrusted “the Directorate of Assistance for Persons Under Electronic Surveillance of the Ministry of Justice (which is the body in charge of executing the measure, if applicable for executive or jurisdictional reasons) for the implementation of the electronic surveillance device.

Despite having been singled out for their links with Fernando Sabag Montiel and Brenda Uliartethe arrested perpetrators of the attack against the former president, Morel, Sosa and Guerra, maintain their active political militancy. They participated in demonstrations in favor of Javier Milei’s government and were in the Chamber of Deputies at the invitation of deputies from La Libertad Avanza (LLA)..

The danger that this means was included in a proposal presented by Ubeira and Aldazábal, in which they included a request for an investigation for three members of the Caputo familywhich financed some activities carried out by members of the Federal Revolution in a supposed carpentry shop that was run by the organization.

“It is time for Rosana Caputo and, later, Flavio Caputo and Jimena Caputo to be summoned to give an investigative statement”says the document presented by CFK’s defense, in relation to the suspicions that exist about the family of the Minister of Economy.

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