Personal treatment based on your DNA

by time news

Did you know that 99.9% of your DNA is the same as other people’s, even if you don’t know any relatives? Only 0.1% of your DNA is different. This genetic variation of 0.1% determines what makes us different from others, such as the color of your eyes, your blood type and what risks you run for developing a certain disease. But our DNA also determines to a large extent what your skin looks like and how your skin will age. For example, one person gets expression wrinkles very early on, while another person gets a lot of age spots. Suppose you would know based on the analysis of your DNA to which signs of skin aging you are extra sensitive, then you can adjust your skin care accordingly. It sounds futuristic, but this is actually already possible! Prima Derm, a supplier from the pharmaceutical industry, is currently introducing the personalized cosmetic program One.gen/0.1 to skin therapists and dermatologists in the Netherlands. How does that work?

DNA research

Everything starts with a visit to a skin therapist or dermatologist. In an intake conversation, current skin care, lifestyle and general health are discussed. In addition, a sample of your saliva will be taken. The saliva sample is sent to Prima Derm’s laboratory in Barcelona. There it is examined whether and to what extent your skin is sensitive to expression lines, the firmness of your skin, the sensitivity to pigment spots, the skin barrier, the sensitivity to external harmful influences and the sensitivity to external factors such as stress, heat and cold. You will receive the results of this genetic skin aging test via your practitioner.

Genetic cosmetics program

Based on the results of the genetics profile, a personalized cosmetics program is made for you. More than 65% active ingredients are integrated into each final formulation. Formulated on the basis of “programmed and intelligent” active ingredients, these enhancers contain the highest concentration of molecules, isolated and custom selected depending on the outcome of the genomic profile. Each proposed concentrate combines the most appropriate active ingredients according to the six groups of skin expression: wrinkles, sensitivity, cell durability, detoxification, skin pigmentations and tissue structure.


Often cosmetics are only tested in vitro, but the beauty of this brand is that there are also proven results in vivo. The pictures below are the results of an in vivo test performed with a group of 56 volunteers, aged 24 to 63 years.

Volunteer 107 was not genetically characterized with melanin activity but showed hyperpigmentation caused by detocification changes. Within 21 days (right picture) she showed a 15.9% reduction in the presence of pigmentation.

Even without using a concentrate specifically for anti-wrinkle treatment, one.gen/0.1 showed the effectiveness of the personalized solutions in regulating an underlying inflammatory problem. The first picture is before the treatment, the second picture after 7 days and the third picture after 21 days.


This concept is without doubt the beginning of a new era and lays the foundation for the cosmetic treatments of the future. Various prestigious clinics will be using this innovative approach in the short term. A starter package is available from 1000 Euro. You will receive the genetic skin aging test and all personalized products for this.

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