Peter Pham: The presidency of the HRC, a recognition of the reforms undertaken by Morocco

by times news cr

2024-05-26 14:27:35

Peter Pham: The presidency of the HRC, a recognition of the reforms undertaken by Morocco

Washington – Morocco’s election as president of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) denotes “sturdy help” and worldwide recognition of the reforms undertaken below the management of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, underlined Peter Pham, eminent member of the American assume tank, The Atlantic Council.

The unequivocal help for Morocco pays tribute to the long-term actions and efforts deployed below royal management in favor of the promotion of human rights and freedoms, Mr. Pham mentioned in an announcement to MAP.

Amongst these “necessary” advances made in Morocco for the reason that accession of His Majesty the King to the Throne of His superb ancestors, the previous particular envoy of the USA for the Sahel areas and the Nice Lakes areas cited specifically the creation of the Human Rights Advisory Council, now the Nationwide Human Rights Council, the reform of the Household Code, in addition to the measures put in place to guard immigrants.

And to conclude that the election of Morocco on the head of this necessary physique of the United Nations system represents recognition of the advantage and the esteem loved by the Kingdom within the live performance of Nations.

Morocco was elected to the Presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 12 months 2024, throughout a vote held on Wednesday in Geneva.

Of the forty-seven members of the Council, 30 supported Morocco’s candidacy, in comparison with that of South Africa, which obtained solely 17 votes.

2024-05-26 14:27:35

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