Pharmacist Sharmila Rambocus Brings Positive Energy and Health Benefits to Local Residents in The Hague

by time news

2023-11-03 01:02:49

Pharmacist Sharmila Rambocus Spreads Positivity and Good Health in The Hague

Published on PW44 – 03-11-2023 | By Edwin Bos

Sharmila Rambocus, a dedicated pharmacist in The Hague, is making a positive impact on the local community. Twice a week, she takes the residents of Schilderswijk on hour-long walks to promote good health and combat social isolation. Rambocus believes that walking is not only great for physical fitness, but it also has numerous mental health benefits. The walks have become a platform for forming new friendships and spreading positivity.

Photo by Frank Jansen

Combating Diabetes, Loneliness, and Depression

Sharmila Rambocus understands the importance of maintaining good health, both physically and mentally. As a pharmacist, she sees patients every day struggling with diabetes, loneliness, and depression. With the aim of making a difference in their lives, Rambocus came up with the idea of organizing group walks in the Schilderswijk neighborhood.

According to Rambocus, walking is not only a great way to stay fit but also a powerful medicine for combating various health issues. Regular physical activity can help manage and prevent diabetes, boost mood, and alleviate feelings of loneliness and depression. By encouraging the residents to join her on these walks, Rambocus hopes to support their physical and mental well-being.

Building Bonds and Spreading Positivity

One of the unexpected outcomes of Rambocus’ walks is the formation of new friendships among the participants. As they walk together, the residents have an opportunity to connect with each other, share their experiences, and provide support. The walks have created a sense of community and belonging, proving that something as simple as a stroll can bring people together.

Rambocus believes that the power of positive energy is contagious. Through her walks, she not only spreads positivity to the residents but also inspires them to pass it on to others. The ripple effect of her actions has the potential to create a strong and supportive community in Schilderswijk.

Sharmila Rambocus has become a beacon of hope and change in The Hague. By promoting the benefits of walking and fostering new friendships, she is transforming lives and making a positive impact on the local community. Her dedication to the well-being of her patients and residents is commendable, and it serves as a reminder that small actions can have a big impact.

#Walking #free #medicine

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