Philharmonie de Paris: come as you are

by time news

2023-06-18 07:00:00

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LETTER FROM THE CLASSIC. “Relax” concert, vibrant backpacks and adapted practice workshops, the Parisian cultural establishment professes music for all and is open to all audiences.

Par Anne-Laure Poisson

At the Philharmonie de Paris, on June 14, there was a Relax concert.
At the Philharmonie de Paris, on June 14, there was a concert Relax.

Lhe public is rather relaxed this evening in June 2023 at the Philharmonie as the heat descends and everyone has escaped from the bowels of the metro. On the escalators that allow you to reach the great Pierre-Boulez hall, a man is delighted that we can now attend a concert “just like that”, meaning without a suit or long dress. The codes indeed change at classical music concerts, and the Philharmonie is not for nothing, especially for this concert stamped “relaxed”.

“Relax” from the name of the Culture Relax association which allows the institutions of which it is a partner (cinemas all over France, the Opéra-Comique or the Théâtre de la Colline, etc.) to offer welcoming shows for people with disabilities. complex disability (autism, polyhandi…

#Philharmonie #Paris

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