Physical activity helps recovery after a transplant –

by time news

Even simple exercises to be performed at home are enough to prevent some side effects related to the surgery. The «Post» program of the National Transplant Center provides cycles of lessons to be followed online

To return to a normal life after a transplant, it is important to exercise regularly. Simple exercises to do at home, two to three times a week. All you need is a mat, two weights (alternatively two bottles of water), a chair, perhaps an exercise bike. Muscle strengthening, stretching, and aerobic training all help prevent a number of post-transplant side effects. Such as metabolic disorders (weight gain, osteoporosis), diabetes, cardiovascular disease. Movement is also good for the psyche: it reduces anxiety and stress. The prescription of physical activity as a non-drug therapy for all people who have received an organ and for those waiting to receive it is strongly recommended by the National Transplant Center (Cnt).


Through the Post project (post transplant employment and health project), funded by Inail, the Center has packaged a package of ten online lessons, from 50 to 70 minutes, which will be available on its YouTube channel. The first was released in mid-October, the others will be published monthly and will have a gradual increase in intensity. «Transplant recipients are often terrified by the idea of ​​organ damage and instead it is essential for them to follow an active, fearless lifestyle. It is possible to do it safely with enormous benefits »says Lia Bellis, doctor of the NTC and scientific director of the project. “Physical exercise, in the initial phase, can also be done in the gym under the supervision of an expert”. However, before undergoing the workouts suggested in the videos, it is advisable to consult the reference transplant center or the treating doctor before and after the transplant, for advice and an assessment of fitness for motor activity.
For more information on the practice of physical and sporting activity in the pre and post transplant, write an email to [email protected].

Like a drug

Prescribe physical activity like a drug. A practice that must first of all be spread to medical personnel and health institutions. “We are holding training meetings with regional transplant centers, sports doctors, psychologists, patient associations and regional health and social policy departments. A collaboration must be created between the transplant center and sports medicine to define personalized physical activity programs »underlines Lia Bellis. Psychophysical recovery favors the transplant person’s reintegration into work. «It is not always easy and obvious to return to work after an organ transplant and long absences due to the disease. Because perhaps the employment imposes an unsustainable physical load and a shift work that does not reconcile with the taking of the therapy, which requires more administrations a day and as many breaks ”explains Bellis. “With the increase in living transplant recipients, about 40 thousand, and the increase in the number of transplants performed per year, from 2,428 in 1999 to 3813 in 2019, involving more and more patients of working age, it is very necessary to study the reasons, health and related to the professional condition, which prevent or make it difficult to return to work “.


The goal of the Post project, carried out in collaboration with the department of medicine, epidemiology, occupational hygiene and the environment of Inail, in addition to promoting physical activity for transplant recipients and patients on the waiting list, is to “reduce percentage of people who lose their jobs after the transplant, investigating the causes in order to favor possible solutions »explains Bellis. «The sample investigated concerns one hundred transplanted subjects, in Emilia Romagna and Veneto, equipped with a bracelet to record physical activity, who must answer a questionnaire on any problems at work. Another questionnaire is administered to companies. The investigation is expected to be completed by October 2022, “he concludes.

October 25, 2021 (change October 25, 2021 | 16:54)

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