Piercing the pain: “Daith Piercing” as the new ally against migraines

by time news

2024-01-12 21:39:37

Having a migraine is one of the worst feelings because sometimes there is no way to relieve it, but piercing trip‘could be the effective solution for headache, We share with you what the experts say.

There are a wide variety of theories that talk about how to eliminate headaches, such as acupuncture, which is part of traditional Chinese medicine.

In accordance with National Cancer InstituteAcupuncture is based on the belief that vital energy can influence the body through channels called meridians.

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This theory indicates that vital energy can affect the spiritual, emotional and mental state as well as the physical health of a person, something similar to what could happen with the ‘piercing trip‘, which other experts say can work against migraines.

What is the piercing that relieves headaches?

According to some theories, the piercing trip It is an effective solution for headachesince it is a drilling in the cartilage in the inner ear which should be in the middle of the ear, above the ear canal.

It is worth mentioning that its name comes from Hebrew and means ‘knowledge’ and it is believed that it works against migraines.

How effective is piercing for migraine?

There are experts who assure that the ‘piercing trip‘ is not effective, since its apparent help has not yet been proven by studies.

Likewise, it has been revealed that this ear piercing It is not part of acupuncture, so it has no relationship with traditional Chinese medicine.

Photo: iStock

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Specialists have mentioned that at the moment there are no formal studies that prove its solid effectiveness, although there are people who claim that it has worked for them.

How does daith piercing work?

This method consists of piercing a special area of ​​the ear, right where the needles are apparently used in acupuncture.

This measure will allegedly help the migraine sufferer eliminate the discomfort caused by abnormal brain activity that causes intense throbbing pain in the head.

Remember that doctors recommend migraine patients to reduce discomfort with hydration, rest, a cold cloth on the head, avoid smoking or drinking coffee, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and sleep.

Now that you know if the piercing trip‘is the effective solution for headachewe suggest you watch the following video:

#Piercing #pain #Daith #Piercing #ally #migraines

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