Pierre Loti, a traveler’s life

by time news

Alain Quella-Villéger is one of the great specialists in the life and work of writer-traveller Pierre Loti. On the occasion of the centenary of his death, he publishes with his brother Didier Quella-Guyot and the cartoonist Pascal Regnauld, a comic strip which retraces his travels to the four corners of the world.

This year we celebrate the centenary of his death, on June 10. Pierre Loti traveled the world all his life. A naval officer, who through his missions, his loves, his drawings and of course his writings – whether it be his reports or his novels – shared his passion for discovery with his readers. and cultural differences, often worrying about the standardization of the world, sometimes being indignant at the violence of men.

It is in the footsteps and in the wake of this astonishing traveler that our three guests take us today through an exciting comic book album, which takes us from Easter Island to Japan, from Egypt in the Basque Country via India, Tahiti, Constantinople or Senegal.

In drawing, Pascal Regnauldscript, two brothers, one with a degree in history, the other in letters, Alain Questa-Villeger et Didier That-Guyot. Comics ” Pierre Loti, a traveler’s life », is published by Calmann-Lévy Graphic.

Reportage : His famous grandfather, Achille Zavatta, played Auguste, the clown with the red nose. From his “grandpa” comedian Warren Zavatta kept the huge red and black shoes. Even if his story, which he tells in “Out of the track, his new show”, is that of a clown sometimes next to his pumps. Because Warren Zavatta is suffering from a serious psychiatric illness, bipolarity. Marjorie Bertin went to see him in Paris at the Théâtre du Lucernaire.

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