Poaching threatens Europe’s last wild sturgeons

by time news

2023-12-25 18:07:43

A study published at the end of November in the journal Current Biology shows that illegal captures of sturgeons continue. PAWEL / stock.adobe.com

Illegal fishing and trafficking of caviar outside authorized circuits put three species in “critical danger of extinction”.

Despite efforts to save them, sturgeons are still victims of poaching. Fishing for these large fish, whose eggs are served in the form of caviar, is prohibited around the Black Sea and in the Danube basin, where the last viable populations remain in Europe. But a study published at the end of November in the journal Current Biology shows that illegal captures continue.

According to this field investigation carried out in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, 20% of the samples of caviar or sturgeon meat obtained by the researchers (in stores, markets, aquaculture farms and on the internet) were found to be defective. wild origin. Specimens seized by customs were also included in the study. The analysis also showed that one in ten samples was sold in violation of the Convention on International Trade in Wildlife (Cites), and that 32% constituted cases of « consumer deception » (fishes…

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#Poaching #threatens #Europes #wild #sturgeons

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