Poland strikes: Russia with big move | Russia to halt gas flows to Poland | Bulgaria | Ukraine War | Russian Ruble | Vladimir Putin

by time news

Sofia / Warsaw പോ Poland and Bulgaria have accused Russia of suspending natural gas supplies to Europe following Russia’s threats to cut off natural gas supplies to Europe. Representatives of the two countries said on Wednesday that the Russian government-owned energy giant Gazprom had suspended the supply of cooking gas. The Russian action follows a refusal to pay in rubles. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement that he will supply oil to European countries only if the ruble is paid for is a solution to the Western blockade of the ruble.

Russia’s strategy is to use the same countries to raise the ruble, which has collapsed in the wake of Western sanctions. The demand for the ruble will increase when the price of oil and natural gas has to be paid in rubles; This will increase the value of the ruble against the dollar. Russia is trying to find a solution to its problems, including inflation in the domestic market.

But for the first time since the announcement of the ruble, Russia has cut off natural gas supplies to European countries. Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak has said that Russia has the right to impose sanctions on Russia in the wake of Western sanctions imposed on it by Ukraine.

Europe will face a serious crisis if Russia stops supplying natural gas to more countries. Bulgaria was notified on April 26 that it would suspend its natural gas supply from April 27. Poland has already begun efforts to reduce its dependence on Russian energy sources and to look for alternatives. Meteorological Minister Anna Moskva tweeted that the Russian move would create a crisis but would not have a significant impact and that there would be no shortage of cooking gas in homes. But the decision would be a major setback for Bulgaria, which is 90 percent dependent on Russian imports.


Ukrainian refugee family crosses the Polish border (Photo by Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

Many countries, including the US, use Poland as a major means of providing military assistance to war – torn Ukraine. Poland receives large numbers of refugees from Ukraine and coordinates relief efforts. Poland has imposed a number of sanctions on Russian companies and individuals. The suspension of natural gas supplies to Poland is also seen as a warning to countries supporting Ukraine.

Russia has warned that the United States and its allies are waging an indirect war by providing Ukraine with modern weapons, which could lead to a third world war. Russia has also been angered by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s announcement that Ukraine will provide more weapons and ammunition.

English Summary: Russia to halt gas flows to Poland on Wednesday

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