Poland, the wall with Belarus will be built: 100 kilometers to block the access of migrants. The decision of the Warsaw Parliament

by time news

Warsaw agreed to build the wall between Poland e Belarus to stop the arrival of migrants. The Polish parliament gave the final go ahead on 29 October: a barrier of more will be created 100 kilometers along the eastern border of the European Union and it will cost 353 million euros. The Polish president Andrzej Duda had announced that he would sign the law as soon as it was approved by parliament and now the barbed wire already in place will be replaced by a Wall two and a half meters high which, together with the hundreds of military personnel deployed along the border, it will prevent any possibility of access to the thousands of people arriving from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq to seek future in Europe. The structure, the defense minister announced weeks ago Mariusz Blaszczak, will be similar to the one built byHungary on the border with Serbia in 2015.

In recent days, demonstrations were held against the government and against the inhumane treatment of migrants, including women and children. They are loaded onto military vehicles and taken back to the Belarusian border, regardless of their condition: exhausted, hungry, sick. At least seven have died of starvation in the past few weeks. Recently, a Iraqi migrant 32 years old was found cadaverand in a truck that arrived in Germany from Poland.

The European Union accuses the Belarusian president Alexandre Lukashenko to encourage the arrival of migrants fromAfrica and from Middle East a Minsk to then push them towards the borders of Lithuania, Latvia e Poland come retaliation for economic sanctions imposed by the Union on its regime. In response, Poland imposed a state of emergency in the border areas by deploying hundreds of soldiers and also preventing access to the press and humanitarian organizations. In recent days, together with 12 other EU countries, he asked Brussels to finance the erection of barriers at their respective borders. There is no mention of it, was the response of the President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen who last week clarified the common position of the Commission and the European Parliament: “There will be no funding of barbed wire and walls”. The wall is a choice to “protect” Poland “attacked” by Belarus, the nationalist prime minister replied to von der Leyen Mateusz Morawiecki.

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