Police arrested the Arab who looted a mezuzah – and posted a video on Tiktok

by time news

A young Palestinian man in his 20s, a resident of the village in the hands of Samaria, was arrested last night (Friday night) on suspicion of uploading a video to the ticking network in which he was seen uprooting a mezuzah and trying to burn it.

Police opened an investigation following a video circulated in Tiktok showing the suspect pulling the mezuzah out of place, hitting it with a hammer and then trying to ignite the card inside with a lighter.

Investigations carried out led the police to track down the suspect.

Tonight, police forces together with IDF forces from the Ephraim Police Station arrested the suspect at his home.

Preliminary investigation indicates that the suspect committed the act while working in one of the central cities.

He is being questioned and will later be heard in the military court.

In the video, which was uploaded earlier this week on the social network Tiktok, the young man, named Zohir, is seen smirking at the mezuzah.

The video was first published by the editor of the “Jewish Voice” website, Elhanan Gruner.

Gruner, who published the video, shuddered on his Twitter account: “It is difficult to watch but there is no choice: an Arab who works for Jews removes a mezuzah – breaks the house and burns it. How long will we employ these bastard dogs ?? In a Jewish state, one such person would have been sent to Syria in pieces. “

Many surfers reacted angrily to the desecration of the mezuzah.

One of the surfers wrote: “We will find you”. And then he threatened: “Soon you will know well some border guards and paramedics who will explain to you how to behave.”

Even Arab surfers who watched the video felt uncomfortable with it already with its publication. One of the surfers wrote in Arabic: “We need compassion. Judaism before Islam. The religion of others must be respected in order for them to respect their religion. “

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