Politics, culture and music start tonight at the Festa dell’Unità

by time news

In the gardens of “Città futura” in via Don Milani in Spedalino, Festa dell’Unità from today, Thursday 19 September, to Saturday 21. It is the 66th edition and the Democratic Party announces three days of political and cultural initiatives, activities for children and music. “We are happy that also this year, thanks to the volunteers, we will be present in the territory with our festival – says the secretary of the Aglianese Democratic Party, Andrea Acciai -. It is a significant moment of participation for our community. It was an important year, with a long electoral campaign that saw us running as a center-left for the reconquest of our Municipality – continues Acciai – and for this reason we are very happy to see that despite the electoral result, the community is strong, present and participating. We expect a great participation in the initiatives”.

This is the program, which offers meetings dedicated to politics and culture, activities for the little ones and lots of good food, to spend evenings in conviviality. Tonight, Thursday 19, at 9:30 pm, meeting on “Differentiated Autonomy” with Giovanni Tarli Barbieri (professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence), Giovanni Sarteschi (lawyer) and regional councilor Federica Fratoni. Special dish, mezze maniche with wild boar and wild boar stew.

Tomorrow, Friday 20, at 9:30 p.m., discussion on the topic “Towards the 2025 regional elections: what scenario for the center-left”. Speakers include Diego Blasi, communications manager for the Tuscany PD secretariat, Simone Morosi of the provincial and regional secretariat of the Italian Left, Marco Cresci, representative for Valdinievole of the Five Star Movement, Barbara Masini, national rights manager for Azione, and Manfredi Montalti (provincial secretary of the Republican Party). Special dish: mussels with pepper and cod Livorno-style. Conclusion on Saturday 21, with an event also aimed at children. At 6 p.m., in fact, the company “I formaggini scioglie” presents the children’s show “Le pagliacciate”. Special dish: paella. At 9:30 p.m.: Sciabadoga in concert. Closing with greetings from representatives of the regional PD secretariat.


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