Polypharmacy, what are its potential health risks?

by time news

2023-08-09 22:00:01

In 1828 Dr. Joseph Buchner developed what is considered the first synthetic medicine in history.
The WHO describes polypharmacy as the use of five or more drugs simultaneously to treat one or more pathologies.
Self-medication and “recycling” of drugs are the main incorrect practices committed by the majority of patients.

Medicines are one of the greatest inventions of the contemporary world. Since its development, it has been achieved that diseases that were previously deadly can now be easily treated. There are even others that have been eradicated or are about to achieve it. Unfortunately, not everything is favorable because a harmful effect called polypharmacy And its consequences can be serious.

Since the beginning of humanity, different substances have been used as healing methods. From plants to teas, they were the main naturist options, although their drawback is that there is a lack of scientific evidence to demonstrate their operation.

With this in mind, it was not until 1828 when the Dr. Joseph Buchner developed what is considered the first synthetic medicine in history. From the extraction of the active ingredient of the willow, he obtained the substance called salicin. Since then, the pharmaceutical industry was formally born and its role has been essential to prevent millions of deaths in the world every year.

The miracle of medicine has transformed the well-being of our lives. Access to the diversification of medicines has allowed us to cure what was previously unthinkable to treat, as well as the extension and quality of life.

“While some prefer to stick to what they consider natural remedies by taking herbal supplements and homeopathic medicines, it is important to stress that these remedies are not harmless. When mixed with traditional over-the-counter and prescription medications, the interactions they can cause are undesirable and potentially dangerous side effects,” says Andrew Mulder, Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacist Specialist at Houston Methodist Hospital.

Polypharmacy, what is your definition?

The wide range of advertisements touting the benefits of various drugs, and their availability, has led to a phenomenon known as polypharmacy. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the use of five or more drugs simultaneously to treat one or more pathologies.

“Several patients have multiple chronic medical problems, especially the elderly. It is not uncommon for them to take between 5 and 10 medications.”

According to him lown institutebetween 2020 and 2030, the polypharmacy it will cause approximately 4.6 million hospitalizations at a cost of $62 billion and the premature death of 150,000 older adults in the United States alone.

Basic advice for the correct use of medicines

The specialist adds that we are taking many more medications to treat what ails us, a growing phenomenon that does not only affect older adults. Every day young people and older adults are taking multiple medications to treat one or more medical conditions and it is quite a dangerous situation.

1 – Properly dispose of expired and unused medications

Expired medications may or may not be safe to take. But why take the risk? Visit the website of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) to learn how and where to dispose of unused medications.

2- Do not take other people’s medicines and do not self-medicate

It seems harmless to take antibiotics or pain relievers prescribed to someone else, but it is not. In addition to potential interactions with your other medications, there is also a risk that the drug could be harmful due to a medical condition you may have, or may not work for your problem.

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#Polypharmacy #potential #health #risks

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