“Pope Francis is also a Joachimite”

by time news

“Pope Francis is a Joachimite: for his insistence on charity, for dialogue with other religions, for his effort to affirm Christianity without imposing it”. This was stated by the philosopher Gianni Vattimo, during a direct Facebook on March 30th dedicated to the 819th anniversary of the death of Gioacchino da Fiore, the abbot mentioned by Dante among the blessed scholars of Paradise, organized by the Municipality of San Giovanni in Fiore , which was also attended by the mayor Rosaria Succurro and the journalist Paride Leporace, who conducted the broadcast.

Originally from Calabria, Vattimo, father of ‘weak thinking’, explained that “Gioacchino da Fiore’s topicality consists in his illuminating gaze on the present and the future, in building dialogue between men and in the hope of a better world, which assumes fundamental importance in this time marked by the pandemic, the crisis and the consequent changes in human life “.

Vattimo then recalled his deep bond with Calabria and said that “salvation starts from the South, because it is precisely from the most extreme conditions that the power of redemption is born, as well as from the desire to collaborate with the many young southerners who want to get involved. “.

Mayor Succurro, who praised “the long and precious work of the Gioachimite International Center of Studies”, put forward two proposals for the cultural and tourist development of the area: a twinning between the Municipality of Sila and Puebla de Zaragoza, which has the same urban layout, of Gioachimite derivation, and the idea of ​​making San Giovanni in Fiore a center of interreligious dialogue, in order to attract presences and create economies on the basis of the message of spirituality of Abbot Joachim.

“The real revolution – explained Succurro – can therefore start from culture: from figures such as Gioacchino da Fiore, who influenced the thought and horizon of Dante Alighieri, whose 700th anniversary will occur in September. It cannot be missed. this train “.

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