Popular / (VIDEO). A bullet hit a baby centimeters away while he was sleeping

by times news cr

2024-04-20 19:42:08

A bullet hit the room where a two-year-old baby was sleeping and the moment was recorded by security cameras, which show that the minor was bothered by the noise, but continued sleeping.

The shocking case happened in Montevideo and was reported in the media after the parents viralized the video in which the shot hits the wall.

It was 9:30 p.m. when a bullet was observed entering the baby’s room, which is located on the sixth floor of a tower, bordering other large buildings that are located in the Malvín Norte neighborhood.

Although the child does not wake up due to the noise, the parents become concerned and, upon entering the room, they see that the window was broken and that there was a bullet hole in the wall.

Through tears, the woman said: “I feel a big blow, a very loud noise, a roar. When I go to look, I see a broken glass. First I checked that the child was fine and he was sleeping soundly, he had barely moved a little. “I turn on the light and, when I sit in front of his bed, I see the bullet hole in the wall, centimeters from where he was.”

“I call my partner and tell him that, that a bullet had just come through the window. He tells me to call the police, which is what I did. “I felt helpless knowing that you have no security,” he said in an interview with the news program Telenoche (Channel 4).

2024-04-20 19:42:08

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