Portrait of Alain Fischer, a pediatric geneticist, on the origin of multidisciplinary remedy for infants

by time news

2024-05-22 10:05:04

Priorité Santé presents you a brand new interview with an individual who reads in Historical past: Professor Alain Fisher, researcher / therapist who talks about his journey, responds to testimonies and archives.

The pediatric geneticist, whose colleagues laud his capability for work and reflection, his unwavering dedication to science, and his respect for sufferers, is the present President of College of Science in France. He was charged by the federal government with the president Steering committee for vaccination technique in opposition to the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 1999, on the head of a crew of medical researchers, he efficiently launched the primary gene remedy for bubble infants, these kids lacked safety.

He signed with Odile Jacob copies, the guide Defending the dwelling, From sick kids to the Covid disaster.

Pay attention once moreGene therapies: what are the prospects for researchers and sufferers?


Professor Francine Ntoumi, founding father of the Congolese Basis for Medical Analysis

Dr. Amadou Sall, scientist, director of the Pasteur Institute in Dakar

sheProfessor Jean-Jacques Muyembe, biologist and discoverer of the Ebola virus

Mediator: Dr Irène Frachon, pulmonologist and whistleblower

Dr. Denis Mukwege, gynecologist and 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner

Dr. Rony Brauman, former president of Médecins Sans Frontières

Boris Cyrulnik, neurologist, psychiatrist, ethologist and psychoanalyst

Dr. Daniel Zagury, psychiatrist and skilled psychiatrist

Professor Marie-Josée Tanon-Anoh, head of the ENT & pediatric division at Bingerville Mom and Youngster Hospital, Ivory Coast

– Professor Francine Ntoumi, parasitologist, president and founding father of the Congolese Basis for Medical Analysis in Brazzaville

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