Post covid syndrome, from Codogno responses to long-term effects

by time news

In recent months it has been found as the Covid 19 is a disease that can have important consequences. When we talk about “post-Covid syndrome” we refer to the persistence of more or less debilitating symptoms after the acute phase of the disease and the negativization of virological tests.

In Italy there are almost 2 and a half million Long Hauslers – or Long Covid, or those patients suffering from post covid syndrome – and for doctors they have a well-defined identikit: these are those subjects who, after contracting Covid and becoming negativized, still show a series of important physical and psychological problems . The most common symptoms that characterize post-covid syndrome are: chronic fatigue, muscle aches, breathing difficulties, heart problems. All problems that in many cases remain for several months after recovery and which can therefore be debilitating, lowering the quality of life and impacting the work performance of the subjects involved.

This state of persistent malaise affects 50 and 80% of those who have come out of the infection, regardless of the level of severity with which they have been affected.

An additional therapeutic path is therefore necessary for optimal recovery.
An adequate personalized rehabilitation program (respiratory and motor), the introduction of nutritional supports based on vitamins and amino acids, associated with a correct lifestyle, represent the main approach to the post-Covid syndrome. It is also important to manage the mental disorders of these patients, many of whom (up to 20%) have a real post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, it is good to remember how, when you are convalescing from Covid-19, it is necessary not to underestimate the persistence of symptoms, even if mild, and to consult your doctor.

The experience of the Codogno Hospital

At the Codogno di Lodi hospital, where patient 1 was discovered on 21 February, Doctor Francesco Tursi, head of the hospital’s pulmonology department, is among the first doctors in Italy to get sick. His life changed within a month, when he became a Covid patient from doctor. Dr. Tursi, after experiencing the disease firsthand with a hospitalization in intensive care and a very severe pneumonia, indicates that, despite the symptoms of the acute phase have been overcome, fear and a chronic symptomatology of fatigue, asthenia and difficulty remain. respiratory features of post-covid syndrome.
In fact, Dr. Tursi tells how post-covid symptoms require a therapeutic approach and how, given the scientific rationale, he himself has positively assessed the adoption of L-arginine and liposomal Vitamin C in the post-covid syndrome.

In fact, Dr. Tursi indicates that after a month of treatment with two vials a day of L-arginine and liposomal Vitamin C the post-covid symptomatology is much improved with a total resolution of asthenia and breathing difficulties.

This result along with others clinical experiences of use of the product on post-covid patients in national reference centers such as theIRCCS San Raffaele of Rome, which conducted a placebo-comparison study, support the use of liposomal L-arginine and Vitamin C in debilitated and asthenic patients.
Indeed, as claimed by a recent review “Vitamin C and cardiovascular disease: an update”, published in the prestigious magazine ”Antioxidants”, the Vitamin C represents the perfect ally for the association with L-arginine.
Furthermore, both Vitamin C and L-arginine are required for nitric oxide synthesis.

In the review, the Liposomial vitamin C is described as the best method of administration of Vitamin C, as it has a better bioavailability than non-liposomal Vitamin C, avoiding the risks associated with intravenous administration. Furthermore, liposomal Vitamin C increases the concentration of Vitamin C in the blood, almost doubling the concentration obtainable through the non-liposomal form.

Therefore, since, both the C vitamin that the L-arginine are known for improve endothelial function and then the tissue perfusion, it is possible to hypothesize that their association could be synergistic in addressing fatigue and post-recovery symptoms from infectious diseases such as that caused by COVID-19.

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