Powerful Earthquakes Strike Western Afghanistan: Over 100 Dead and 500 Injured, UN Reports

by time news

Title: Powerful Earthquakes Devastate Western Afghanistan, Leaving Scores Dead and Injured

Date: October 7, 2023

Saturday morning brought tragedy and devastation to western Afghanistan as two powerful earthquakes, measuring 6.3 on the magnitude scale, struck near the city of Herat. The United Nations reported that at least 100 people lost their lives, while another 500 were left injured in the wake of the destructive tremors.

According to the United States Geological Survey, the initial earthquake originated 40 km west of Herat at approximately 11 a.m. local time. The tremors were felt in neighboring provinces of Badghis and Farah, exacerbating the scale of the disaster. Several strong aftershocks, including one with a magnitude of 5.9, further rattled the affected areas.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Afghanistan released an update, stating that initial assessments suggested the death toll reached 100 across eight villages in Zindajan and Herat Provinces. However, unconfirmed reports indicated that the number of casualties could potentially be closer to 320. The agency also added that around 500 people had been injured in the disaster.

Communities have been decimated by the earthquakes, with reports of 465 houses completely destroyed and 135 damaged. The village of Mahal Wadakha was hit hardest, becoming the epicenter of the devastation. So far, the disaster has affected approximately 4,200 individuals, equaling roughly 600 families.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Afghanistan highlighted that the casualty count may rise as search and rescue efforts continue. Local authorities and aid partners are working relentlessly to find survivors trapped under collapsed buildings.

The Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, in the immediate aftermath of the calamity, reported 15 deaths and 40 injuries. The destruction also extended to houses in Herat Province, which were partially or entirely destroyed. Rescue operations are currently underway to save any remaining survivors.

In response to the dire situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) in Afghanistan has dispatched medical supplies to hospitals, while ambulances have been mobilized to transport victims for urgent medical care. Concurrently, healthcare workers, showcased in photos shared by the WHO, have been providing treatment outdoors due to the overwhelming demand.

UNICEF Afghanistan has also joined forces with other U.N. agencies to evaluate the full impact of the catastrophe. Expressing their concerns, UNICEF Afghanistan emphasized the deep impact on children and families in western Herat province.

Tragically, this is not the first time Afghanistan has suffered from such devastation. Just last year, an earthquake measuring 5.9 on the magnitude scale struck eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border, resulting in the deaths of 1,000 people and injuring another 1,500.

As the affected communities in western Afghanistan struggle to recover and rebuild from this recent disaster, the global community stands in solidarity, offering support and assistance to alleviate the suffering caused by these devastating earthquakes.

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