Pr Peter Piot: “the discovery of Ebola was a moment that marked my whole life”

by time news

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As part of the portraits, proposed by the Priorité Santé team, meeting with Pr Peter Piot, co-discoverer of the Ebola virus and first Executive Director of UNAIDS, between 1995 and 2008.

Ebola, AIDS, Covid-19: three major emerging diseases, like so many periods that have marked his professional career. A career punctuated by important encounters, whose voices we will hear during the January 2 broadcast, to be found in full here.


Dr Amadou Sall, virologist, director of the Pasteur Institute in Dakar

​​​​​​Pr Jean-Jacques Muyembe, virologist and co-discoverer of the Ebola virus

Mediator: Dr Irène Frachon, pulmonologist and whistleblower

Dr Denis Mukwege, gynecologist and Nobel Peace Prize 2018

Dr Rony Brauman, former president of Médecins Sans Frontières

Boris Cyrulnik, neurologist, psychiatrist, ethologist and psychoanalyst

Dr Daniel Zagury, psychiatrist and expert psychiatrist

Pr Marie-Josée Tanon-Anoh, Head of the ENT & Pediatric Outpatient Department at the Mother and Child Hospital in Bingerville, Côte d’Ivoire

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