Predict the future: this is how Assi Ezer was caught at the age of 15 in his first appearance on television

by time news

It seems that the host and screenwriter Assi Azar Really stuck to his path from a young age. In 1994, when he was still young and shy, Ezer was a guest on the show of Efrat Reitan “Tik Tak”, still in her rotation as a moderator, before she became a member of the Knesset on behalf of the “Labor” party. The entertaining conversation between Ezer and Raiten provided us with a glimpse in the time capsule of a boy who dreams big and also fulfills, when at the age of 15 he announced that he wanted to be a screenwriter and as you know, he became one with the writing of the series “Be with her” starring Rotem Sela andAviv alosh.

Assi Ezer and Rotem Sela (Photo: Rafi Deloya)

“Very nice, Essi Ezer… Ezer? I didn’t remember if you were an assistant or you…”, Efrat Raiten got confused with the last name of the long-time moderator. “Come tell us about yourself, where do you study?”. Ezer answered shyly when he could barely look up from scribbling a drawing on the page: “Ayalon High School in Holon. There is a film major there that I “study” in.” “Studying in it?” asked Raiten. “Yes, my teachers will kill me,” Ezer answered her. “And do you want to be a screenwriter?” asked Raiten. Ezer answered her: “Yes.”

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