President Biden was revealed: this is how the money he received from China is shared – within his family

by time news

Joe Biden (Photo YouTube/ 60 Minutes)

The Chairman of the Oversight Committee of the House of Representatives, James Comer, revealed last night (Thursday) that on March 1, 2017 – less than two months after Joe Biden left his position as Barack Obama’s Vice President – State Energy HK Limited, a company related to the company Chinese Communist Party-backed energy company CEFC China Energy transferred $3 million to Biden family associate Rob Walker. The profits were then distributed over a period of about three months to at least three members of the Biden clan and two family associates.

So how was the 3 million dollars distributed? This is how it looks:

James Gilliare: $1,065,000

Gilliar, a former British special forces officer with ties to British intelligence, was a business associate of Hunter Biden, the president’s son. His company, European Energy and Infrastructure Group (EEIG) in Abu Dhabi, received his stake from Walker a day after the initial payment of $3 million by State Energy HK Limited. In October 2020, Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop included a May 2017 email from Gilliar suggesting the “big guy” would get 10% of the CEFC deal. The “big guy” is allegedly President Biden.

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John “Rob” Walker: $869,308

According to the source, the bank account of a member of the Biden family, Robinson Walker, kept what was left of the Chinese bank transfer of $3 million, after almost identical amounts of $1,065,000 and $1,065,692 were distributed by Walker to Gilliar and members of the Biden family, respectively. Walker is a former Clinton administration official, when his wife, Betsy Massey Walker, was an aide to first lady Jill Biden during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

Hunter Biden: $610,692

The first son’s Owasco PC and RSTP II, LLC accounts, as well as a First Clearing LLC account that the committee believes belongs to Hunter Biden, received six transfers between March 27, 2017 and April 18, 2017 from Robinson Walker LLC of amounts ranging from $10,692 to $300,000 . A spokesman for Hunter Biden’s legal team said Thursday that “Hunter Biden, a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several business partners in seeking a joint venture with a legitimate energy company in China. Hunter took his share in good faith and shared it with his uncles, James Biden and Halle Biden and no one else.”

James Biden: $360,000

The president’s brother received five payments between $15,000 and $125,000 from April 3, 2017 to May 18, 2017. The money was transferred by Walker to James Biden’s JBBSR INC account.

Hallie Biden: $25,000

This is the widow of Beau Biden, another son of the president, who died of brain cancer in 2015 and the mother of two of the president’s grandchildren, Natalie and Robert Hunter. After Beau’s death, she also dated the president’s maligned son, Hunter, from around 2016 to 2019, a time frame that included the Chinese deals. According to the committee, Hallie Biden received two separate payments from Walker’s account in March 2017 totaling $25,000. She also apparently received $10,000 from Walker in February 2017, before the $3 million Chinese payment.

Unknown Biden: $70,000

Four payments were made to an “unknown Biden,” according to the committee, between March 6, 2017, and May 17, 2017. The payments ranged from $5,000 to $25,000.

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