President Ilham Aliyev addressed a letter to the President of Latvia

by time news

2024-01-11 14:26:00

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a letter to President of Latvia Edgars Rinkevics.

Day.Az reports with reference to AZERTAC that the letter says:

“Dear Mr. President,

Important date – To you and your friendly people on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Latvia
I sincerely congratulate you.

The current level of relations between Azerbaijan and Latvia, based on the established traditions of friendship and mutual respect, gives rise to satisfaction. During the past period, our bilateral relations have strengthened and risen to the level of strategic partnership, our cooperation in many fields has developed dynamically, and the historically existing contacts between our peoples have intensified.

We are grateful for Latvia’s constant support for Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Today, there are good opportunities for the development of cooperation between our countries and enrichment with new content. I believe that we will successfully continue our joint efforts to develop and expand Azerbaijan-Latvia friendship and partnership relations both on a bilateral basis and within the framework of the European Union, taking advantage of the existing opportunities for the sake of the welfare of our peoples.

With the hope of meeting soon, I wish you good health, happiness, success in your work, peace and prosperity to the friendly people of Latvia.”

#President #Ilham #Aliyev #addressed #letter #President #Latvia

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