Presidential and municipal elections: concerns of society (…)

by time news

Too many uncertainties hover over the presidential election, not to mention the lack of communication on the communal and municipal elections, says civil society in a press release on the current political situation.

« We approach the election year without the serenity necessary for its smooth running, despite the many warnings, fruits of past experiences », declare the organizations of the civil society. It thus calls for making the essential changes before the 2023 elections to avoid a new crisis.

Campaign financing, access to public media, management of the campaign period, guarantees of impartiality of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) and the High Constitutional Court (HCC), reliability of candidates’ commitments , the postponement of municipal elections to Greek calendars and especially the low voter turnout are among the concerns of civil society.

Civil society is thus advocating for an authentic and inclusive dialogue platform. This dialogue should complement the ongoing process and not delay or block the holding of elections, she argues.

« The time that separates us from the ballot being short, we propose that the FFKM take the initiative to invite public actors from the three powers (executive, legislative and judicial), political parties, non-state actors (civil society, trade unions, private sector ), faith-based organizations to come together to find equitable responses together. Such a meeting would be held under its aegis, but will engage the responsibility of each of the participants as to the implementation of the resolutions which will come out of it. “Launch the signatories of this press release.

Civil society proposes a timetable for the implementation of this dialogue. This calendar runs from March to September when an assessment of the reforms that should be taken is planned. The rectification of the finance law which will include a sufficient budget for the municipal and presidential elections will be an essential point in this dialogue.

Concerning the budget of the organization of the presidential election, the State affirmed that the proposal of the CENI will have to be revised downwards. Initially, CENI estimates for the two rounds of the presidential election were 145 billion ariary. In the 2023 finance law, the cost of organizing the elections is estimated at 45 billion ariary by the government. An amount deemed insufficient by the CENI. So far, the government will have to cover all the necessary costs for the organization of the elections, since no funding from donors has yet been announced.

The CENI has proposed November 9 and December 20 for the two rounds of the presidential election. The HCC has issued a favorable opinion but the government has yet to validate this schedule. However, the dates of the communal and municipal elections which are also to be held this year have not been announced.

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