Presidential live: Jadot wants to make public transport free “for 6 months everywhere in France”

by time news

The essential

  • Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Nathalie Arthaud and Jean Lassalle participated this Thursday evening in the France 2 program «Elysee 2022».
  • Eight days before the first round, the outgoing president will hold his first campaign meeting this Saturday at the Paris Défense Arena, in Nanterre.
  • According to our latest poll, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are still leading the first round. The gap narrows between them if they qualify against each other in the second round.


Jadot repeats himself on the Russian embargo

“We need an embargo (on Russian gas) to stop the atrocities in Ukraine”, pleads once again the environmental candidate on Franceinfo, while ensuring that he will not buy instead, if he is elected, of shale gas in the United States. Rather, he wants to “set up a single European gas buyer”, but also to launch the renovation of buildings as a priority and to set up alternative energy projects. He also reiterates his accusation against Total, which he considers “accomplice in a war crime”.


Jadot relies on public transport

On Franceinfo, Yannick Jadot announces that he wants to make local public transport free, “everywhere in France”, including the TER, “for six months”, it is an “emergency measure”, announces-t -he.


It’s time for the assessor hunt

On April 10 and 24, the 70,000 polling stations in France must all have at least two assessors and a volunteer secretary, in addition to the president recruited from among the elected officials. So the mayors are mobilizing, between communication campaigns, bonuses for municipal agents or small advantages (meal trays with local products, for example) for the brave on Sunday.


Mélenchon, it’s going up

A refrain which Alexis Corbière revels in: Jean-Luc Mélenchon would be at the gates of the second round, polled at 15.5% a few days before the election. “We can beat the far right, from the first round,” said the spokesperson for the Insoumis candidate, on France 2.

Alexis Corbière believes in an “exciting second round” and in Mélenchon’s ability to thwart a “morbid” Macron-Le Pen duel. Before returning to flatter realities: “A campaign is neither the FIFG, nor you, nor me”. Possible, but far from done.


Roussel against fraud

Fabien Roussel explains, on RTL, that he wants to create a “Minister for the fight against fraud and tax evasion”, to set up the “deduction at source of the profits of multinationals”, but also to attack tax havens, including Luxembourg and the Netherlands.


Why Roussel is holding on

“I carry subjects that others, including Jean-Luc Mélenchon, do not carry”, in particular “security, the energy mix”, lists the candidate of the Communist Party Fabien Roussel on RTL, explaining why he does not rally to another candidate from the left.


Zemmour gets up early

The candidate of “Reconquest! “Arrived at Rungis very early this Friday morning, to praise “France which gets up early”, to which he opposed “France which gorges itself behind our backs”, pointing to Emmanuel Macron and the McKinsey controversy.


Night shift

Candidate LR was visiting this night in the northern districts of Marseille. “We need zero impunity,” says Valérie Pécresse, particularly on the subject of drugs. Emmanuel Macron “came to Marseille twice, he said that was going to change, that the Republic would be at home everywhere, and the Republic is not at home everywhere”, she also criticizes.


Six candidates on France 2

This Thursday evening, six of the 12 presidential candidates accepted the invitation of the program “Elysée 2022”, on France 2. The format was not that of a debate between Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Nathalie Arthaud and Jean Lassalle, but a succession of interventions. You will find everything you need to remember in our article on the subject.


Good morning !

Welcome to this new direct dedicated to the presidential campaign, just 10 days from the first round.

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