Prigozhin’s ‘treachery’ is ‘knife in the back’: Putin addresses Russians about Wagner army uprising | War Ukraine and Russia

by time news

2023-06-24 09:21:43

Wagner boss Prigozhin says he crossed the Russian border with his troops after an alleged Russian attack on camps of his mercenary army. Prigozhin claims control of the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and is on his way to Moscow, he says. Russian President Vladimir Putin briefly addressed the people about this this morning. He calls Prigozhin’s “betrayal” “a knife in the back”.

ADVV 24-06-23, 09:21 Last update: 12:12 Source: ANP, The Guardian, Belga, Twitter

Russia is fighting “the toughest battle for its future,” Putin said. “We will defend ourselves against betrayal, that is what we are dealing with.” He calls Prigozhin’s uprising a stab in the back and a great danger to the country. “Any internal rebellion is a mortal threat to our nation.”

The high “ambitions” of some have led to “high treason” and “the perpetrators will be punished”, it sounds. Putin promises a “crackdown” on the uprising, which is “similar to armed mutiny”. “The rebels are pushing Russia towards loss and capitulation,” he said.

“As president and Supreme Commander in Chief, as a Russian citizen, I will do everything to defend the country and protect the constitutional order, lives, security and freedom of the people,” Putin said. He continues: “We will overcome this and come out stronger.”

“Anti-terrorism measures”

Putin also confirmed that “anti-terrorism measures” have been taken in Moscow and other regions. He announced “decisive measures” to stabilize the situation in Rostov-on-Don, where Prigozhin says he has occupied the army’s military headquarters. In his speech, Putin admitted that the work of civil and military government agencies has been blocked.

“Not again”

The Russian president also referred in his speech to the events of 1917, when divisions in World War I led to revolution and civil war. The Tsar was then sent away and the Bolsheviks seized power. “The victory was stolen (from Russia, ed.): intrigues, discord and political games behind the backs of the army and the nation turned into great unrest, the destruction of the army, the collapse of the state and the loss of vast areas, ultimately leading to a tragic civil war.”

We will not let this happen again,” Putin said. “We will protect our people and our state from any threat, including internal treason.”

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