Prince Harry’s mockery of John Travolta during an event in Beverly Hills

by time news

2024-01-21 20:17:33

With a spatula

January 21, 2024, 2:17 pm

After being named “Living Legend of Aviation”, the Duke of Sussex made fun of the actor, suggesting that he has told an anecdote about his mother Diana “to the whole world” (Instagram @laurenwsanchez)

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This Friday night witnessed the glamorous event of the aeronautical industry that recognizes the emblematic figures of the sector. During the evening, Prince Harry was named a “Living Legend of Aviation” and made a notable appearance that sparked laughter from the audience by joking about a family memory involving John Travolta and his late mother, Princess Diana: their historic dance. 1985 in the White House.

This 21st annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards, which took place in Beverly Hills, was the setting where the Duke of Sussex, who attended without his wife Meghan Markle, poked friendly fun at the Grease star during his acceptance speech , since, according to Hello! magazine, the host of the event had mentioned his old dance with Lady Di in his previous speech.

In a video shared on social media, Harry was seen taking the stage before Travolta, as the “Official Ambassador of Aviation,” placed the honor around his neck, to the applause of the audience. “This is nice,” the duke began while the audience was already starting to laugh. “Thank you, Captain John,” he said, addressing the 69-year-old artist.

The youngest son of King Charles III continued his speech in a playful manner. “Don’t run away,” he jokingly warned her before his hilarious comments escalated: “I was one year old when you danced with my mother.” He also revealed to the crowd that Travolta had told “everyone here” and that she would continue to “use that as a conversation piece at dinner.”

“But look at us now, it’s great! So if we are not going to dance together, we will fly together,” she said friendly to the actor, regarding the award he received that night. Harry then left the jokes behind and addressed the audience, offering “a heartfelt thank you to the Living Legends of Aviation.”

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