Princess Leonor, heir to the Spanish throne, swore fidelity to the Constitution and will be able to succeed her father the king

by time news

2023-10-31 14:40:43

Accompanied by her father the king, her mother Queen Letizia and her sister Infanta Sofía, and at 18 years old, she took her oath.

The heir to the throne of Spain, Princess Leonor, swore fidelity to the Constitution this Tuesday, when she turned 18, in a pompous ceremony in the Spanish Parliament, from which she will be able to legally succeed Felipe VI as head of state.

Leonor de Borbón, accompanied by her father the king, her mother Queen Letizia and her sister Infanta Sofía, took the oath in a special session of the Cortes, a procedure that her grandfather Juan Carlos I completed in 1969, during the Franco dictatorship. and Felipe VI in 1986, in democracy.

“I swear to faithfully carry out my duties, to keep and ensure that the Constitution and the laws are kept, to respect the rights of citizens and the autonomous communities and to be faithful to the king,” Leonor expressed with one hand on the same copy of the Constitution on which she swore. his father.

Dressed in a white suit, the princess was applauded for several minutes after her oath in the Chamber of Parliament.

The ceremony was followed on giant screens placed in the central Puerta del Sol in Madrid and in other places in the Spanish capital. Around Parliament, a crowd gave him support waving Spanish flags.

In Spain, a parliamentary monarchy, the Constitution establishes that the male has preference to inherit the Crown, but Leonor has no male siblings.

King Emeritus Juan Carlos I, who, dogged by scandals in the last part of his reign, abdicated in 2014 and settled in Abu Dhabi in 2020, was not present at the ceremony.

Yes, he will participate, according to the press, in the family celebration at the El Pardo palace, on the outskirts of Madrid.

Nor did the representatives of the parties that concentrate republican sentiment, the Catalan, Basque and Galician independentists, and a part of the radical left attend.

“No monarchy, no constitution. Democracy. Freedom. “Republics,” the pro-independence parties indicated in a manifesto this Tuesday, which they said represented “the sentiment of millions of people (…) who neither recognize nor support the Spanish monarchical regime.”

Three of the government ministers belonging to the radical left Sumar platform, members of republican parties, did not attend the ceremony.

Yes, there was the socialist Pedro Sánchez, the president of the outgoing government and who is currently negotiating a new executive to remain in power, for which he needs the votes of the Catalan and Basque independentists.

Unlike Juan Carlos, the Princess of Asturias arouses sympathy in a country where the debate about the monarchy is perennial.

After completing primary and high school studies in Madrid and the United Kingdom, respectively, Leonor recently began three years of military training, like her father did.

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