Promoting Gender Equality and Diversity in Leading Israeli Companies: L’Oreal, Flory, and Nestlé

by time news

2024-03-10 09:27:00


The L’Oreal Group pursues the issue of diversity and inclusion, including equal representation of women in management and senior management positions. In addition, the company ensures that there are no pay gaps between men and women performing the same job.

and offers a comprehensive support system for women and parents. Even recently, L’Oreal Israel won the first place excellence award in the subject of diversity and inclusion and youth employment from the Human Resources Management Association under the management of Dr. Shlomit Kaminka.

“As the leading beauty company in the world and in Israel, the L’Oreal Group has a long-term commitment and an advanced policy in the field of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities,” said Libby Engel-Cass, VP of Human Resources at L’Oreal Israel. “At L’Oreal Israel, we work to promote true gender equality and adequate representation of Women at all levels, including in managerial and supervisory positions, approximately 60% of the management positions in the company are filled by women and 50% in senior management. The company works actively in a variety of processes, among which is to create equality in the hiring and promotion processes, including in the area of ​​salary, promotes well-being processes, support and dedicated benefits, provides training and tutorials for all employees, alongside a dedicated support package for women to encourage them to reach leadership positions. Also, L’Oreal creates products for people of all identities, cultures and backgrounds and we believe that diverse teams, with diverse perspectives, create value for the wide variety of our consumers and consumers.”


Flory is an Israeli biotech company with a unique and three-dimensional technology for cell proliferation, which promotes innovative cell-based solutions in a variety of fields – from medicine and climate change to food shortages, animal welfare, and more. Recently the company announced its entry into the Agritech field through the ability to produce cultured coffee made from the cells of the coffee plant.

Chen Franco-Yehuda, Flory’s CFO: “Over 60% of Flory’s employees are women who lead the company’s strategy and core values, including key positions. We believe in full gender equality. With us, people are selected based on their skills, experience and suitability for the position – and not on a gender basis. I am proud that women have a significant part in our work and in creating solutions that promote sustainability and well-being that can affect every aspect of our lives.”

Barn – Netsla

Asem Nestlé is one of the largest food companies in Israel. At Nestlé, occupational diversity and gender balance are an integral part of the company’s vision and the goals it sets for itself and are measured every year. At the level of the entire organization, 56% of the employees are men and 44% are women – considering that this is an industrial company with seven manufacturing plants in Israel, this is a high figure in favor of women compared to other companies in the industry.
Asem-Nestle places emphasis on the issue of gender balance and the advancement of women at work, partly through flexibility that enables advancement to managerial levels. The company allows you to combine work from home, flexibility in working hours, breastfeeding rooms are offered to mothers, ergonomic office equipment for pregnant women and more.

#Continuing #change #companies #emphasize #female #representation

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