Protect Yourself from West Nile Virus: Tips and Updates in Connecticut – WFSB

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Mosquito-Borne West Nile Virus Detected in Connecticut Towns

(WFSB) – The summer season in Connecticut has been marked by an unusually high amount of wet weather and humidity, creating a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Unfortunately, this has led to the detection of West Nile Virus in mosquitoes in nine towns across the state.

The affected towns include Branford, East Haddam, East Haven, Fairfield, New Canaan, South Windsor, Stamford, Wallingford, and Wethersfield. Local authorities, such as the East Shore Health District, are reminding residents about the importance of protecting themselves and limiting the mosquito population in their surroundings.

Alexander McDonald, a resident of Branford, expressed his concerns after a group of mosquitoes gathered at a trap site near his home tested positive for the West Nile Virus. McDonald mentioned that the combination of wet weather, woods, and a nearby lake has created a hotspot for mosquitoes in his neighborhood. He urged caution, especially during nighttime when the mosquito activity is high.

Shannon Prindle, who runs a daycare in East Haven, another town where the West Nile Virus has been detected, shared her concerns as well. She plans to inform parents about the situation and take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the children under her care.

To protect themselves from mosquito bites, the East Shore District Health Department recommends minimizing outdoor activities around dusk and dawn, using mosquito repellants containing DEET, eliminating standing water on properties, and emptying out any containers that collect water, such as plastic pools and garbage cans.

In their efforts to control the mosquito population, the health department also funds a larvicide program that utilizes insecticides. Shannon Prindle hopes that her implemented measures of mitigation, including bug spray and bug deterrent stickers, will help protect herself and the children at her daycare.

Fortunately, there have been no reported human cases of West Nile Virus in Connecticut so far this season. However, the health department continues to collect mosquito samples every 10 days to monitor the situation.

To stay updated on the presence of West Nile Virus in your community and learn more about protecting yourself, residents are encouraged to visit the website of the East Shore District Health Department.

As the concern over mosquito-borne diseases grows, it is essential for individuals to take necessary precautions to prevent mosquito bites and reduce the mosquito population. By following the recommended guidelines and staying informed, the residents of Connecticut can safeguard their health against the West Nile Virus.

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