Protecting Pets from New Year’s Eve Fireworks: Tips and Strategies

by time news

New Year’s Eve Can Be a Nightmare for Many Pets

As people around the world prepare to celebrate the New Year with fireworks and festivities, pet owners are bracing themselves for the annual challenge of keeping their animals safe and calm during the loud and often frightening displays.

The Swedish Kennel Club estimates that around a third of all dogs in Sweden are afraid of fireworks, and around 35,000 of them are judged to need medication to help them cope with the stress and anxiety caused by the noise.

In recent years, the trend of traveling away from fireworks-prone areas or checking into animal hotels located near airports where fireworks are prohibited has become increasingly popular among pet owners. Additionally, the use of sedatives for pets has seen a sharp rise, with sales of tranquilizers for dogs tripling to fourfold in December compared to the rest of the year.

“It is very sad that you even have to give the dog a sedative in order for it to get through the New Year. We do not think that private individuals should set off fireworks,” said Janina Pfalzer, a press spokesperson at the Swedish Kennel Club.

The anxiety caused by fireworks can be so intense that some pets may tear themselves off their leashes and run away. The animal hospital chain Anicura receives many calls during the New Year’s holiday from worried owners whose dogs have run away because of the fireworks. They also warn that cats can be afraid of firecrackers and that it may therefore be a good idea to keep them indoors.

To help reduce a dog’s stress during the New Year, the Swedish Kennel Club has provided a list of recommendations, including not taking the dog to a place where fireworks are being set off, keeping the dog on a leash outside when there is a risk of fireworks being set off, and not punishing the dog if it becomes anxious.

The increase in sales of tranquilizers for pets during the New Year is a troubling trend that highlights the challenges that both pet owners and their animals face during the festive season. As the countdown to the New Year begins, it’s important for pet owners to take proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of their furry friends.

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