Protesters in Tunisia refuse to let their country be a “border police” for Europe

by times news cr

2024-05-10 23:48:54

A number of Tunisian organizations, associations and civil society activists organized a protest today, Thursday, in front of the headquarters of the European Union mission, expressing their rejection of Tunisia serving as a “border police” for Europe.

The protest participants called on the union to shoulder its responsibilities in finding solutions for migrants from sub-Saharan African countries, stressing their rejection of Tunisia becoming a “trap land for African migrants.”

The participants raised the slogans “Leave the sea, leave the land, leave the borders,” and “No national sovereignty under European guardianship,” in addition to raising the slogan “Down with the visa.”

In this context, Ramadan Ben Omar, responsible for media at the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, told Al-Shorouk Online that the European Union is not a reference in respecting human rights and the dignity of migrants, and today it has succeeded in imposing unfair cooperation paths on Tunisia and exporting the migration crisis. To our country, adding that Tunisia has today turned into a semi-prison.

Ben Ramadan called for stopping cooperation paths that were only in the interest of the European Union, which he called on to assume its responsibilities in transporting migrants stranded in Tunisia to safe areas or opening safe transportation paths for them.

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2024-05-10 23:48:54

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