Protests and Clashes: Youth Congress March in Palakkad and Kochi

by time news

2024-01-13 10:50:54

Kochi – Youth Congress protests in Palakkad and Kochi to protest the arrest of Rahul Mangkoothil. Clashes broke out during the Youth Congress march to Palakkad SP office. There was a push and shove between the police and activists. Police used water cannons. When the activists did not disperse, the police arrested them.

A protest march by the Youth Congress to the Kochi City Police Commissioner’s office also broke out. When the police barricaded the activists and stopped them, the activists sat down and protested. Later there was stone pelting on the police. Activists threw sandals and sticks at the police and climbed on top of the barricade to protest. Police used water cannons. Ernakulam DCC President Mohammad Shias, Youth Congress State Vice President Abin Varki and other leaders are participating in the protest.

English Summary:

Youth Congress march to Palakkad and Kochi

#Youth #Congress #protest #Clashes #Palakkad #march #police #water #cannon #protest #Kochi #youth #congress #march #palakkad #kochi #Manorama #Online #Malayalam #News

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