PSG candidate to buy Stade de France

by time news

Prince’s Park. Panoramic

PSG should apply for the call for tenders launched by the State to sell the Stade de France enclosure for the summer of 2025.

Another episode in the soap opera “Where will the Parc des Princes go?” In conflict with the city of Paris for several years, particularly about the expansion of the stadium, the management of the capital club plans to leave the Parc des Princes rue du Commandant Guilbaud in order to find a better opportunity. Paris Saint-Germain will apply for the call for tenders launched by the State to sell the Stade de France enclosure for the summer of 2025, an internal source at the club said on Friday, confirming information from the daily L’ Crew.

“We are candidates for the Stade de France” to buy the enclosure, the price of which is estimated at around 600 million euros, explained an internal source at PSG on Friday, specifying that the file had not yet been filed.

Another track for PSG

According to Édouard de Rothschild, president of France Galop, this solution could be 5 kilometers from the current enclosure and ensures that the PSG would be interested in the Saint-Cloud racecourse. “The idea of ​​PSG, which actually approached us, is to examine whether we could make a stadium more or less buried, more or less inserted in the middle of the racecourse. And we have no reason not to study all the solutions and not to discuss, it could be a pretty fantastic project. declared the president of France Galop this Friday at the microphone of BFM Business.

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