Pure Norwegian Seafood sells salmon that is not suitable for human consumption – NRK Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

by time news

The company carried out its own investigation after they suspected irregular aspects of the sale of frozen salmon.

The investigation revealed that for several years there has been a sale of fish that is not suitable for human consumption from the Averøy company Pure Norwegian Seafood (PNS)

Sell ​​floor fish and self-dead salmon

In total, it will be around 500 tonnes of salmon.

– In our opinion, the most serious thing is that the investigation uncovers a systematic and hidden sale of salmon that should not have gone to humane consumption. Certain customers have, on request, been allowed to buy frozen salmon that has died by itself, is injured, sexually mature or so-called floor fish, says PNS chairman Helge Kvalvik in a press release.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority reacts

– We take the matter very seriously, says Steinar Westerberg, who is regional director in the middle region of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, to NRK.

Regional Director of the Food Safety Authority in Central Norway, Steinar Westerberg reacts to the findings of PNS’s investigation.

Photo: Norwegian Food Safety Authority / www.gudim.no

The investigation shows that fish with defects and fish that should not be used for human consumption have been sold.

– Both parts are clear violations of the regulations and should not happen, says Westerberg.

He further states that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority was notified in November last year, but that they only became aware of the seriousness of the case this week when they were informed of the findings of the investigation.

Westerberg says that it is too early to say anything about what consequences this will have.

– We are following it up and in the first instance we are looking at the scope and considering the withdrawal of fish that should not be used for human consumption.

Discovered by supplier

It was the supplier Måsøval who discovered the irregularity. The company bought 65 percent of PNS in 2021.

Chairman Kvalvik is also the day-to-day manager of Måsøval, which has also been a supplier of salmon to the slaughterhouse in PNS.

– It was Måsøval, as a supplier, who first became suspicious. The board of PNS then followed it up closely, says Kvalvik.

According to Kvalvik, there are no indications that anyone’s health has been affected by the frozen salmon.

Have ours hidden

– This activity has been kept hidden. Neither the board of PNS, Måsøval as a supplier or auditor has discovered this before, says Kvalvik.

Two people have been suspended since suspicions arose.

The investigation points to around 20 possible customers in European countries, including Norway. It has not been possible to determine where the final product is still available.

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