Purim The police invalidated licenses tonight and prevented the distribution of hundreds of “dangerous toys”

by time news

Police activity in Jerusalem during the holiday of Purim: The police of the Jerusalem district and members of the Security Guard operated during the last day throughout the city of Jerusalem to secure the participants in the events of the holiday of Purim. Before the holiday and during the night, the police prevented the distribution of hundreds of “dangerous toys” and their use. In the meantime, the driving licenses of 14 drivers Disqualified tonight for serious traffic offenses.

During the last day, hundreds of Jerusalem district police officers, volunteers and security forces from the various police units worked as part of the preparations for Purim in the city of Jerusalem with security tasks, maintaining public order, directing traffic and more for the safety and well-being of the residents of the city of Jerusalem and its visitors. The commander of the Jerusalem district, Superintendent Doron Turgeman, together with the district command staff, conducted a tour of the police and MGB forces deployed in the city tonight.

During a preventive activity conducted by the traffic police of the Jerusalem district near a crowd, over 800 drivers were checked before sitting in the driver’s seat in order to prevent them from driving under the influence of alcohol. Alongside this, enforcement was conducted during which 11 drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs were found, and traffic proceedings were initiated against them accordingly.

Against the background of the events of the holiday, the Jerusalem District Police conducted covert and overt activities in recent weeks, including during the last night, alongside increased enforcement activities in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, to prevent the marketing and distribution of dangerous toys and drugs. Also, enforcement activity was conducted in businesses requiring licensing, with an emphasis on activities to prevent the sale of dangerous toys to minors, and in general.

For example, in the activity of YSM police officers of the Jerusalem district last night, a vehicle was stopped in the city of Jerusalem and a search of it found a substance suspected to be a large amount of narcotics which, according to the suspicion, made its way into the hands of Purim party participants. The suspected driver was transferred to the Oz station for questioning and the investigation continues. In a number of other cases tonight, policemen of the Lev HaBira station located and caught 10 young people in different cases with dozens of “dangerous toys” in their possession during overt and covert activity.

The Jerusalem District police officers and MGB soldiers will continue the increased preparation during the day (Wednesday) in the places where the Purim events will take place in the city, with a wide deployment in security and order circles, directing traffic and maintaining the safety of the celebrants.

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