Putin drops dolphin army! The goal is to protect the naval base in Crimea Defense | Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine War | Defense News | Malayalam Technology News

by time news

Russia has reportedly deployed dolphins to protect their naval base in the Black Sea. Russia’s main naval base on the Black Sea is the Crimean port of Sevastopol, which was captured from Ukraine in 2014. According to a report by the U.S. Naval Institute, the dolphins were brought here to avoid being targeted by submarines and other submarines.

According to the report, the dolphins were brought here in February. It is alleged that Russia has plans to abandon the dolphins and prepare for naval protection. Sevastopol is a very important region for Russia. Several Russian Navy ships are anchored here. The fact that they are being attacked under the sea is a matter of concern to Russia.

The Soviet Union launched a dolphin-trained defense program during the Cold War, when rivalry with the United States persisted. In 2012, Ukraine launched the Sevastopol program near Crimea. With the capture of Crimea by Russia in 2014, the project was taken over by them. The ability of dolphins to detect mines is crucial. It is rumored that the Russian navy is using not only dolphins but also beluga whales.

Other countries’ armies have a history of using dolphins and sea creatures for defense purposes. Hamas recently revealed that Israel used specially trained killer dolphins against members of its naval unit. These dolphins were equipped with special weapons.

There have been allegations in the past that Israel is carrying out attacks using creatures. In 2010, Mohammed Abdel Fadi, the governor of Egypt’s southern Sinai region, blamed Israel’s efforts to carry out large-scale shark attacks in Egypt’s Sharm el – Sheikh region. Fadi also accused Israel of trying to undermine Egyptian tourism. It was alleged that the Israeli spy agency Mossad was behind this.

The U.S. Navy has implemented the Marine Animals Program since the 1960s. The main mission was to find sea bombs and enemy swimmers using creatures called Nose Dolphins in the boat. The U.S. Navy also tried to defuse the bomb with sea lions in California. Despite rumors that dolphins were used to attack swimmers during the Vietnam War, the U.S. Navy has denied the allegations.

English Summary: Russia deploys trained dolphins at Black Sea naval base, satellite images show

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