Putin: hysteria on the European energy market

by time news

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared “hysteria and confusion” in the European energy market. According to him, unlike Europe, Russia will be able to move to alternative energy smoothly.

“You see what is happening in Europe: there is hysteria and some kind of confusion in the markets. Why? Because no one takes it seriously, someone speculates on the problems of climate change, someone underestimates something, someone starts to cut investments in the extractive industries. The transition should be smooth. And our country has absolutely every opportunity to avoid such mistakes, ”said Mr Putin at a meeting with members of the government.

According to the President, the maximum rate of economic growth must be ensured simultaneously with the achievement of carbon neutrality. “We set an ambitious goal: to make it (greenhouse gas emissions .— “B”) is even lower than in the European Union. But on the way to this goal, we must solve one more problem. By reducing the negative impact of the Russian economy on the global climate, ensure the maximum rate of its growth, ”the head of state said.

He also asked the government to step up work on projects for the electrification of gas and oil transportation infrastructure in Russia. “We must competently and fully take advantage of the opportunities that are opening up current and future changes in the global economy, especially projects that bring direct benefits to the economy and, at the same time, provide a noticeable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,” said Mr Putin. According to him, such plans are already being implemented. “In the oil industry, for example, utilization of associated gas. <...> This means that another issue that we are solving follows – this is the electrification of gas transportation and oil transportation infrastructure, active investments in oil and gas chemistry, … in the electric power industry – a program for the comprehensive modernization of thermal energy, projects on … energy efficiency have also been launched, … we are modernizing heat supply … … I ask the government to intensify this work, ”the president said.

The demand for oil continues to recover, its prices on the world market have skyrocketed. According to Reuters, Brent quotes on the derivatives and spot markets reached $ 82 per barrel. Russian Urals quotations on the spot market rose above $ 80 per barrel. The rise in oil prices had a positive effect on the Russian stock market, which is based on commodity companies.

On the situation on the oil market – in the material of “Kommersant” “Oil increased the production of quotations.”


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