putschists in Niger denounce military agreements concluded with France

by time news

2023-08-04 01:13:00

3:02 am: Ousted Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum says he is a hostage

Ousted Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum said in a column published Thursday by the Washington Post that he was a hostage and called on the United States and the international community as a whole to restore constitutional order in the West African country.

Mohamed Bazoum has been reclusive in the presidential palace in Niamey since the army carried out a putsch last week, led by the man who was at the head of the presidential guard.

This seventh coup in Central and West Africa in three years “will have devastating consequences for our country, our region and the whole world” if it materializes, wrote the democratically elected president. “This coup, launched against the government by a faction of the army, has no justification,” he added in the gallery.

1:29 am: the putschists will respond “immediately” to “any aggression” by ECOWAS

The putschists in Niger have announced that they will retaliate “immediately” in the event of “aggression or attempted aggression” against their country by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), three days before the end of the ultimatum decreed by the organization for a return to constitutional order.

“The ECOWAS being impersonal, any aggression or attempted aggression against the State of Niger will see an immediate and unannounced response from the Niger Defense and Security Forces on one of its members, with the exception of suspended friendly countries”, said one of the putschists, alluding to Burkina Faso and Mali.

1:18 a.m .: the putschists withdraw the ambassadors of Niger from four countries

The military perpetrators of a coup d’état in Niger announced on Thursday evening that they would “end” the “functions” of Niger’s ambassadors to France, the United States, Nigeria and Togo, in a press release read on television at a time when pressure to restore constitutional order is increasing internationally.

“The functions of the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of the Republic of Niger (…) to the French Republic”, of “Nigeria”, to “the Togolese Republic” and “to the United States” are terminated, said one of the putschists.

12:34 a.m .: the putschists denounce military agreements concluded with France

The putschists in Niger declared Thursday evening to denounce several military agreements concluded with France, which concern in particular the “stationing” of the French detachment and the “status” of the soldiers present within the framework of the anti-jihadist fight, in a press release read on television national.

“Faced with France’s casual attitude and reaction to the situation” in Niger, “the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP, military in power), decided to denounce the cooperation agreements in the field of security and defense with this state,” said one of the putschists.

The essentials of the day of August 3

A delegation of officials from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has arrived in Niamey for negotiations with the military who took power in the coup. The President of Nigeria asks ECOWAS to “do everything” for an “amicable” resolution.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Niamey on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the country’s independence.

With AFP

#putschists #Niger #denounce #military #agreements #concluded #France

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