“Queues and patients standing”, chaos at the Sacco in Milan preparing the restyling

by time news

2023-10-12 17:49:26

“The Sacco is imploding”, comments those who passed by the second floor of Pavilion 62 of the Milanese hospital. Thanks to the transfer of Ophthalmology outpatient activities, the first inconveniences have been recorded in recent days. The reports received by time.news Salute describe crowded corridors, elderly people waiting for a long time and often standing, patients sitting almost everywhere, even on tables. In the future of this healthcare facility in the Lombardy capital, which has been a bulwark in the fight against Covid, there is a maxi restyling worth 110 million euros and which will renew the face of a historic and time-worn building, as many hoped. Time horizon: March 2026.

But in the present there is a long and complicated path that will lead to this goal through works, transfers and measures to reconcile the restructuring plan with clinical activity. For now, coexistence is proving difficult. “Inconveniences? Yes, indeed there are – points out Sergio Bertoncini, representative of the territorial CGIL at Asst Fatebenefratelli Sacco, when asked about the problems covered by the reports – The ophthalmology department has been moved to Pavilion 62, from Pavilion 1 which will have to be evacuated by mid-November for the renovation works that will be carried out with Pnrr funds. The problem is that there is a large concentration of patients, who are not only from Ophthalmology, but also from other pavilions, and who have to pass through the cash registers on the floor ground. Previously in Pavilion 1 this step was managed directly by the ophthalmology department for its patients. This is one of the elements that certainly caused inconvenience.”

“And I think that now there will be continuous inconveniences – reflects the trade unionist – Even among the employees, who will be transferred partly to Bollate and partly to Fatebenefratelli and to the rest of the Asst’s hospitals. Furthermore, many departments that are present in the pavilions to be renovated will be concentrated as beds in Pavilion 51. So there will be inconveniences there too, because the medical clinics are moved and there are space problems”. The extraordinary commissioner of the Asst Maria Grazia Colombo, reports Bertoncini, held a week of meetings together with the medical management of the facility with the staff of all the pavilions that will be renovated, with the employees who will be moved. “He gave indications, he also saw the unions and explained the things that are being done – reports the union representative – Actually, however, there remain some ‘holes’. The workers are a little anxious because it will create inconvenience as a result of they also arrange transfers to other hospitals and there are complicated family situations. Many employees are also of a certain age and perhaps use 104 for loved ones who have problems and moving the workplace becomes an additional problem”.

The geography of ‘moves’, mergers and transfers is “very complex”, says Bertoncini. “And obviously it also falls on the shoulders of those who work. A huge collaboration is required. But it must be considered that Sacco has been on the front line with Covid and there are many workers who have suffered great stress and now have to face another situation, which is also epochal in another sense. I worked for 40 years at Sacco and it has always been like this, with these somewhat dilapidated buildings – says Bertoncini, who is retired and continues to follow from a trade union point of view the structure – Now it is being massively restructured, tackling situations that need to be regulated, and certainly in the long term it is a big advantage for everyone. But in this period of 2 and a half years it will be like this. As trade unions we are trying to intervene and follow the What”.

On Tuesday, for example, he continues, “there was a meeting with the physiotherapists who will be moved partly to Bollate and will remain at Sacco only on the wards, so there will no longer be gyms where they treat patients. It’s a small group, however there are many small groups that have problems and the management cannot keep an eye on all the individual problems. Therefore there is a need for continuous discussion with the trade union organisations”. The plan now is: “Listen to the workers, acknowledge any inconveniences and bring them to the management, trying to be as united as possible, to ensure that all the problems can be resolved, and that no one is left unheard. Then we will have to follow the path, because 2 and a half years is a long time and what will happen is partly unpredictable.”

“In any case, we are already late – reasons the trade unionist – because we have been asking for more specific information since before the summer. We have had a change of direction, it’s true. The first meeting with the former General Manager Alessandro Visconti was held on July 7. We had received reassurances, presentations of work, there was talk of meetings every 15 days or every month. Then in August there was the change. “The extraordinary commissioner Colombo arrived, who is here precisely to follow this whole matter, but we hadn’t seen each other again until September. We know the person, because he had already been an employee of Sacco years ago. The problem was that the It is as if the organization had been suspended and then resumed. In reality we were told that the work continued. But this thing could not be seen among the workers. There was a break. Now we are trying to ensure that the company considers all particular situations. We have until mid-November to vacate the pavilions”, concludes Bertoncini. “So time is running out.”

#Queues #patients #standing #chaos #Sacco #Milan #preparing #restyling

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