Rachid M’Barki, Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Philippe Verdier… these journalists exfiltrated from the small screen

by time news

2023: Rachid M’Barki, dismissed for lack of ethics

Rashid M'Barki.

He was the face of the “Journal de la nuit” and a historical figure of BFM-TV. But briefs read by Rachid M’Barki, dealing, among other things, with the yachts of Russian oligarchs or Western Sahara, were neither written nor validated by the channel. Discreetly, they were concocted by a lobbyist in connection with a company specializing in disinformation campaigns based in Israel, revealed in mid-February, The world and the consortium of international journalists Forbidden Stories. BFM-TV has announced that it is filing a complaint against X for “passive corruption and breach of trust”. Licensed, Rachid M’Barki should be deprived of his other flagship program … “Bring in the accused” on RMC Story.

2022: Jean-Jacques Bourdin, sacked after serious complaints

Jean Jacques Bourdin.

In twenty-one years of career at RMC and BFM-TV, star journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin has gone through many presidential campaigns. The presenter, however, was unable to host that of 2022. Dismissed from the airwaves and the antenna in January after a first complaint against him for sexual violence, followed by a second in February, he was finally dismissed on June 17, 2022. An internal investigation at the Altice group was carried out, the content of which remained secret. In the meantime, the complaints have been closed without further action by the courts due to prescription. Jean-Jacques Bourdin took over the microphone on Sud Radio.

2020: Sébastien Thoen, fired for group parody

Sebastien Thoen.

Proof that Canal+ has changed over the years, and over the changes of owners. In November 2020, Sébastien Thoen participated in a parody broadcast on social networks of “L’Heure des Pros”, the program hosted by Pascal Praud and flagship program of CNews, another channel of Vincent Bolloré’s group. Crime of lèse-majesté, the joke is not to the taste of Canal +, which dismisses the one who presented every month for six years “Le Journal du hard”. For having displayed, in the course of a sentence on the air, his support for Sébastien Thoen, the sports journalist Stéphane Guy, twenty-three years of encrypted channel, will also be dismissed, a few weeks later.

2017: Tex, landed for misplaced humor


“It’s a super sensitive subject, I try it. » Guest, on November 30, 2017, on the C8 channel, the comedian Tex launches: “Guys, you know what they say to a woman who already has two black eyes? She’s terrible that one… We don’t say anything to her anymore, we’ve already explained to her twice. » Applause from the audience, outcry everywhere else. The presenter of “Z’amours”, which he has hosted on France 2 for seventeen years, is fired immediately. Nothing will do, neither his apologies, nor the rare support of other comedians like Anne Roumanoff or Jean-Yves Lafesse. In April 2022, the Court of Cassation ratified this dismissal, judging the sanction “proportionate”.

2015: Philippe Verdier dismissed for climate change

Philippe Verdier.

In 2015, before COP21, Philippe Verdier, head of weather at France 2, published a pamphlet with conspiratorial accents. In Climat investigation (ed. Ring), the author relativizes global warming, attacks “manipulated, politicized scientists” of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and to these “blinded media that get carried away and censor”. He signs a forum in Point to challenge François Hollande on the “new apostles of the climate”. France Télévisions wishes fair winds to its “ M. Mé­téo “. Since then, Philippe Verdier has lost his lawsuit for unfair dismissal and has gone to work under more lenient skies, in Switzerland.

Read also: When politicians leave TV shows

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