Radicalism gains momentum in the face of the generals and offers its support to Bullrich

by time news

2023-08-27 02:00:00

Among others, Lidia Ascarate, Alejandro Molinuevo, Paula Quiles, Silvia Elías de Pérez, José María Canelada, Gustavo Cobos, Raquel Nieva, José Ricardo Ascarate, Agustín and Federico Romano Norri, Leandro Argañaraz, Augusto Zuccarelli, Franco Marigliano, Manuel Courel were present. , Mauicio Argiró, Francisco Herrera, Teresita Villavicencio, Raúl Moreno, Eudoro Aráoz and José Luis Avignone. Sánchez, Campero and Salazar shouldered the campaign in Tucumán to promote Bullrich’s presidential candidacy. The three were present on Thursday at the meeting organized by the president of the PRO with some 300 leaders from all over the country to express the unity of the alliance after the inmate with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. With the aim of showing political muscle and a photo of cohesion just two months before the decisive battle, Bullrich and his vice-presidential candidate, Luis Petri, urged their allies to leave behind their grudges over the result of the PASO and close ranks to give back the result in October. There was no pottery presence at the meeting.

#Radicalism #gains #momentum #face #generals #offers #support #Bullrich

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