Ranking of high schools: discover our 2023 rankings

by time news

Find all the articles in our “2023 High School Ranking” file:

  • Ranking of high schools: where is your high school in our ranking?
  • Ranking of high schools: mention, success, progression… what are the best high schools in your opinion?
  • Ranking of high schools: Marseille comes first
  • Ranking of high schools: which high schools have 99 or 100% mentions?

Excellent success rate, no skimming of students between the second and the baccalaureate or the number of specialties available… Not all high schools prepare for higher education in the same way. The sole criterion of success in the baccalaureate is no longer the only relevant one: since the reform of the baccalaureate in 2019, which abolished the general series and introduced continuous assessment, which weighs 40% in the overall mark, 96.1% of high school students of terminale obtain the baccalaureate.

Based on data from the Ministry of National Education, we have therefore classified the establishments according to their baccalaureate pass rate, but not only. We also took into account the number of specialties available, the rate of mentions, the diversity of the social profile of high school students and their added value. Each of the criteria and their weight are detailed in our methodology.



of high schools have a mark higher than 14

After weighting each of the criteria, the 1,854 high schools with more than 100 students in the final year thus obtained scores ranging from 6.38/20 to 16.53/20, with an average of 12.3. While 360 ​​high schools, or 20%, have a score above 14, the vast majority are between 10 and 14.

Among them, three have a 100% mention rate. All three are private Parisian high schools: Stanislas, Saint-Jean de Passy and Saint-Louis de Gonzague, compared to 14 last year. Also, 209 high schools have a success rate of 100%, i.e. more than 43,000 students who progress in a high school with maximum success.

In our top 20, public high schools are the most represented, with 60% of places occupied. THE Thiers high school in Marseille is on the first step of the podium, followed by the private high school Charles de Foucauld in Paris. In the top 100, the distribution is reversed and the private sector takes 60% of the places.

Check out the full ranking below.

The Germaine Tillon high school (93), high school that makes the best progress for its students

In the high schools that make the students progress the most, a concept based on the added value calculated by the Ministry of National Education, is in 6th place the Charles de Foucauld high school, which is also 2nd in our general ranking.

This value, calculated from the rate of access to the second in the bac, the success rate and the rate of mention, observed and expected for each figure, illustrates the capacity of the establishment to best support its students. It takes into account in particular the geographical situation, the level of the 3rd year pupils, but also the socio-professional category of the parents.

In order, the Germaine Tillion high school in Le Bourget (93) takes first place, ahead of Lucie Aubrac in Pantin (93), Robert Weinum in Saint-Martin (97), Jacques Brel in La Courneuve (93) and finally Michel- Angel in Villeneuve-la-Garenne (92).

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