Ranni Marthomma Bhadrasana Convention Eight From : Deepika.com Nattu Visesham

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Ranni Marthomma Bhadrasana convention from eight

Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:31 PM IST

Ranni: Marthomma Sabha Ranni-Nilakkal Bhadrasana before the convention It will be held at Marthomma Convention Center till 15th.
At eight past six, Dr. Theodosius Marthomma will inaugurate the Metropolitan Convention.
Thomas Mar Timothy Episkopa will preside. Rev. Abraham P. Umman will speak. At nine, Rev. CP Rev. Mathews, 10 Rev. Bobby Mathew on 11 P. Rev. Abraham Scaria, 12 Joseph K. George, on 13 Fr. Bobby Jose Kattikad, 14 George Cheriyan will speak.
On 13th at 10.30 in the morning at the Sanndha Suviseshaka Sangam meeting, Jolly Maramon, afternoon At 2.30 pm in Sevikasangham Yog, Bindu B. Robin Thomas, Jr., at the 10 a.m. Sunday School meeting on the 14th Rev. at the youth conference at 2.30 pm. Philip Mathew will speak.

On the 15th at 8 o’clock in the morning, devotees from the parishes of Dadrasana A joint worship service will be held. Thomas Mar Timothy Episkopa will be the chief minister.
George Cherian will speak at the closing conference on the 11th.

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