Real estate renovation is “a decision for 50 years”

by time news

2023-08-12 10:00:00

A house is insulated

The less heat leaves a building, the less it needs to be heated in the cool season. However, the tighter a house is, the better it needs to be ventilated.

(Photo: Imago)

Munich The experts and large parts of the population agree on one thing: If Germany is to become climate-neutral in the future, millions of buildings in this country will have to be renovated or converted. There are many answers to the question of how this should be done. At the end of July, the star architect Matteo Thun spoke to the Handelsblatt about a “dam mafia” that had Germany and other countries under control and promoted houses made of wood. A statement that not only met with a mixed response in the construction industry.

Jan Peter Hinrichs from the Federal Association for Energy-Efficient Building Envelopes counters Thun with the fact that a well-insulated property can not only save CO2. The timber construction engineer calculates when it is worth insulating a property, what he believes property owners need to know now and what he thinks of the gas price brake.

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